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  1. Spamton

    What is happening to these forums

    Why is there so much advertising 😭
  2. Spamton


  3. Spamton

    VIP Pass FAQ

    I did it
  4. Spamton

    Add a swear filter.

    Little children will be scarred from setting it to low, finding out what people can say
  5. Spamton

    Did DF get a ddos attack

    It wasnt a ddos, they said it was something wrong with their information storing
  6. Spamton

    Proposed Feature: Mail

    Fr and a party system friends would act like /locate, where doing /friend list would locate all of your friends
  7. Spamton


    Why would you suggest something that's stupid that's just a waste of space and not helpful
  8. Spamton

    VIP Pass FAQ

    Can you boost your own plots
  9. Spamton

    How to remove lore

  10. Spamton

    How to remove lore

    I tried setting lore with the set var, but leaving it empty still leaves the lore empty, and doesn't remove it entirely. How do I do this without removing all the lore and only 1 line?
  11. Spamton

    should we get custom commands

    Is this dementia
  12. Spamton

    Forums are better than (most) helpers

    That was pretty easy to make idk what that helper is on ngl
  13. Spamton

    What is the event that happened that got people banned in it

    What is the event that happened that got people banned in it
  14. Spamton

    What is EBU

    What is EBU
  15. Spamton

    should we get custom commands

    I'm confused
  16. Spamton

    Make emporer and mythic not suck?

    Uh you don't know that I wrote it, that's why I said we don't know if it's AI or I just wrote that
  17. Spamton

    add more stuff for emperor and noble

    Also why did they make mythic and emporer look cooler than overlord smh
  18. Spamton

    add more stuff for emperor and noble

    Overlord or noble, I made a whole post about why emperor and mythic suck as ranks
  19. Spamton

    Gathering opinions on a possible DF clone

    Seems cool but idk if u want to host it on minetest i would just do it on Minecraft even though u need a mincraft account I would still put it on Minecraft idk
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