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  1. EvilsSouls

    Staff reply Picture Polls

    That in forum polls, as a poll option you can upload a image.
  2. EvilsSouls

    Build Question

    If this one is better say one: If this one is better say two:
  3. EvilsSouls

    Kinda King but different

    This is a game where you have to try to send a massage-milestone (a massage-milestone is every 100th massage). So how it works is that you say like "8.803rd massage" but the catch is that you can't say a massage directly after that massage, like you can't say: "8.803rd massage" and directly...
  4. EvilsSouls

    Too many unfinished Projects

    This is a poll where you can answer if i should finish a old project or a new project
  5. EvilsSouls

    Action Bar Animation

    I don't understand how i can do that with the action bar, like it first is: "I" than "I " after that "I d" and so forth until there stants "i don't understand" So that it looks like it is getting typed in the action bar
  6. EvilsSouls

    Exposing Jeremaster #2

    The Owner Of df Jeremaster, uses personal data for profit, for the people that don't know what stealing personal data is after Wikipedia Stealing Personal data is: Source: Wikpedia After VERY many massages to Jeremaster on dc he finnaly answered He answered with: And i said: Jeremaster...
  7. EvilsSouls

    Test for BB Codes

    This is just for me to test BB Codes, If any Mods do not like it they can take it down or ask me and i will do it. Feel free to test BB Codes or enything else also in here. (Btw if you don't know how to do the BB Codes Than Click this Massage) BASICS Wait no i did BASICS WRONG I diden't end...
  8. EvilsSouls


    So, i have a joke game where you can give your personal data, but i need more stuff that is personal data, for instance i have: age first name email house address But i need MORE AND MORE AND MORE, so if anyone has a suggestion, i would greatly appreaciate it (to post a suggestion just reply to...
  9. EvilsSouls

    Wait, that's illegal

    Okay i have a joke game, where you can give data, i EXTRA SAID: "Please do not send real data, this is all just a joke, i love the answers that come out they are very funny
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