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A Decade of DiamondFire

Hi everyone! Today is DiamondFire's 10-year anniversary. Quite a milestone, isn't it? There aren't too many Minecraft servers that have operated continuously for this long; I am both thrilled and humbled that DiamondFire is still going strong a full decade after its initial launch.

This server has become more than I ever could have imagined back in 2014. We've had 200,000 players, thousands of player-made games, hundreds of staff members, a couple dozen YouTubers, and even three conference talks. Even after 10 years, the creativity of DiamondFire players continues to blow my mind. In the early days, DF's codesystem didn't have many features, so players found creative workarounds: briefly poisoning players to execute loops, spawning cleverly-named entities to store variable data, and others. Today, with resource packs, display entities, and many more features, I have seen creations on DiamondFire that I never imagined were possible in Minecraft.

While I started DiamondFire as a solo project, there are so many incredible people who have helped along the way. Every one of you who has built or played a game on the server has helped to write the storied history of DiamondFire. I would like to thank some particularly influential folks:

- Our current dev team (in no particular order): Kaban, Xtreemes, Millo, George, Electrosolt, tk, and Owen, as well as all our former developers. Your skills, insights, and dedication have helped to create (and maintain!) a truly one-of-a-kind platform.
- kNoAPP, the first developer other than myself to work on the DiamondFire plugin, and who has become one of my closest friends.
- Our talented events team, currently led by DeepSeaBlue, and everyone who has helped bring the community together through organizing amazing events.
- DF's helpful and vigilant support and moderation teams, currently led by Tom and Sapfii. Thank you to our staff, both past and present, who protect and support our players day in and day out.
- Ryan and MrAwesome, who led the support and mod teams for much of DF's history.
- Dubinzi, for working tirelessly to grow the playerbase and find YouTubers who believed in us, like CommandGeek and PhoenixSC.
- DragonSlasher, who built our first lobbies back in 2014, and bao, who led our fantastic more recent builds.
- Max and wags, whose media wizardry has entertained and informed so many players.
- My family, for their unwavering support and endless patience for my yapping about DiamondFire :P

DiamondFire has had a profound and positive influence on my life. Over 10 years, I've gotten to see what DiamondFire means for so many of you as well: a creative outlet, a social community, a way to build technical skills, and simply a place to have fun playing games. To all of you who are fans of DiamondFire, thank you. :) it means the world to me.

I am incredibly excited for the future of DF. Tomorrow we'll be releasing Patch 7.0! Be sure to check back tomorrow for all the juicy details.

To celebrate DiamondFire's 10-year anniversary, our events team has put together the **DF Museum**! There are currently 4 exhibits open, with more being revealed over the next couple of weeks. Be sure to check out:
- Trivia Takedown: Test your DiamondFire knowledge in a team-based trivia battle.
- Idea Generator: A wacky source of inspiration.
- Note Block Music Showcase: Listen to some of the amazing music composed by DF players.
- Message Board: Write a birthday message for DF, to be displayed in the museum.

Thanks for 10 years of DF, and here's to many more!


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
Reaction score
Congratulations, You have made a positive impact on the lives of many people by creating this server, myself included!
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