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Some tips


Forum adept
Sep 8, 2020
Reaction score
i am remaking a thread that was L O N G. With more TIPS!

Okay so for one don't always use the default text for lores and names and don't go overboard on bold unless you want peoples eyes to B U R N O U T.

For two do not make ads like "JOIN OR DIE" "JOIN OR UR MUM GAE" these ads make people not like you (Unless you game is related like my battle of the no u's)

For three If something be complex but not fun don't make it.

For four listen to your players, if they say something is to complex you should CHANGE it.

For five do not bypass swear filter by putting letters in a chest with seperate books, this may get you banned . (Ex. : Spelling the s word with s on one book then the other 3 letters on other books)


For eight Don't skip numbers like i just did

For nine do NOT make rip-offs (YES IK MOST OF MY GAMES SEEM RIP-OFF, MOB KIT PVP was because i liked archers and i wanted to make my own PVP, The survival that seemed like gaming nub was being made just a few days before STARVE.IO got updates making it popular AND i also play tested first realse of STARVE. The farming game i didn't know about farmers dream game. and my recents im tryna be uniqe and WHY did you declare my game a rip-off WITHOUT EVENING PLAYING FOR LIKE 2 MINUTES OR TRYING TO COMBINE THINGS I WASNT EVEN TRYING ARG.)

For 10 don't make plots JUST for CP, yes i know all of us BUT me want diamond and no. 1 in ladder board BUT why not enjoy yourself lol.
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