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  • Raffius Taffius
    Raffius Taffius
    I'm so clueless 😝
    Raffius Taffius
    Raffius Taffius
    iconic techstreet quote
    while I'm here I wanted to wish you all a merry christmas! 🖤I hope yinz are able to spend time with family and loved ones. to those who have it hard this time of year, hang in there, you are never alone!
    Hi I don't play anymore, it would be appreciated if I didn't receive any Discord messages about the server. Thanks! I moved on and am starting my new chapter in life; my Discord is just for messaging and calling friends. You can add me, but I have other passions, leave DF at the door :) I know I once had a red name, but I'd like people to get to know me personally! New contact info is in my bio. Logging off
    Hey, never had a chance to post this. I updated the forum guide and finally fixed the forum rules a bit. I left the staff team and revoked my admin group/staff status and moderator permissions, so don't direct any concerns to me anymore. This is where I get off. I set up Mr Dumpling with full perms, he will be the person to go to, but still open a ticket for issues. Thanks all, had a fun time here <3
    epic admin fail :cry: cya around :grin:
    Two new user titles have been added! Notorious member and Forum adept are the next legendary milestones you can go to. The changes immediately updated all accounts, so you should see your fancy new title if you meet the requirements. Trophies are now rebalanced, and have been boosted super higher, so may see that your points skyrocketed a little! Also added an extra touch to the home page :)
    Untitled design2.png

    Ayy! Old picture I found on my old hard drive—this little guy was MIA lol. Taken on a late Saturday of March 18th, 2017 at Node beta, the day they brought me to the admin team. Nostalgia hits hard :)

    Names blend, but it was MrMine05, fireball / panda, JayJay, Jere, Dragon, me, kNo. Only two of us from that image, time flies :P
    I want to verify me but i can't seem to be able to add a foto to the text. If i attach image you don't see it and when i insert image it says something went wrong! help
    try pressing F12 and check the console, it should say the problem (for me, it said something like "large entity size")
    Think 2048 KB is the max (2MB). If it ends up saying large entity size, I honestly would upload the image to Imgur, I do it for the forum news because the images are hefty. Once done uploading, right click the image and Copy URL. Then on your post, "Insert image", paste the URL. The URL should end in .png or .jpg, if not, right-click copy the Imgur image again
    ok thanks i will try now
    how to fix it incompatible client please use 1.7.2-1.18.2
    you need to use 1.18.2, you can still use Fabric if you want some mods but it needs to be 1.18.2 version
    thanks that helped i am finally making
    by the way, you should join the DiamondFire discord as it's pretty active and you will get help in no time in there!
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