Recent content by Endistic

  1. E

    bro WHAT

    bro WHAT
  2. E

    should we get custom commands

    ...? You need to be in play mode to test your @ command, hence /play. You need to be in dev mode to modify the behavior.
  3. E

    should we get custom commands

    Custom @ commands? We already have them. Add a Player Event: Command to the codespace, go in /play, and type a message starting with "@". It won't send because it's going through that command event. You can read the command itself using Game Value: Command and Game Value: Command Arguments...
  4. E

    So I was bored and decided to turn my game "Turf War" into actual code,reading%20rather%20than%20machine%20reading.
  5. E


    me when the
  6. E

    How much effort needs to put in a DF plot for it to go viral?

    I mean as big as Infinite Dungeons / Infinite Dungeons 2 was.
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