Recent content by mrbeaver2K

  1. mrbeaver2K

    How to set damager player?

    You may insert the desired damager's Name or UUID in the damage codeblock.
  2. mrbeaver2K

    Shoot a Particle line from a player that will do damage while holding certain item

    This may work You should probably tweak a few things though.
  3. mrbeaver2K

    How do you set a block ID to an item.

    Set Variable (iron block) > Item Manipulation (item frame) > Set Item Material (enchanted chiseled stone brick)
  4. mrbeaver2K

    How do I spawn a killer bunny?

    Game Action (spawn rabbit) Entity Action (target last spawned) > Appearance > Set Rabbit Type
  5. mrbeaver2K

    How do I code a level system?

    Create an inventory menu with items that represent levels. Give each item a unique name. Make a dict that has the item names as keys and the level start locations as values. When the items are clicked, get the item name, convert it to string, read the dict entry, then teleport the player there...
  6. mrbeaver2K

    How to make a "Blink" ability?

    Endpoint = ShiftInDirection(GameValue(Location), [max blink distance]) RepeatOnPath(Target, GameValue(Location), Endpoint) { LocationIsInBlock(Target) {StopRepeat} [particle of your choice] Blink Location = Target } Teleport(Blink Location)
  7. mrbeaver2K

    Destroying all blocks but one in a region

    This isn't the most efficient, but I would use: RepeatOnGrid(Target, Corner1, Corner2) { BlockEquals(Target, SafeBlock) NOT { SetRegion("air", Target, Target) } }
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