Recent content by Raccoon Mario Fogo

  1. Raccoon Mario Fogo
  2. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    From What I Was Told, I Said Something Considered Racist. I Was Not Told What it Was, Nor I Have...

    From What I Was Told, I Said Something Considered Racist. I Was Not Told What it Was, Nor I Have an Idea. Wish I Knew so I Could Never Say it Again, But The Staff Member I Asked is Like Talking to a Reinforced Concrete Wall With Noise Isolation
  3. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    Would Like to Share That Today, 6 of September is The Birthday of The Shiny Manaphy I Drool For...

    Would Like to Share That Today, 6 of September is The Birthday of The Shiny Manaphy I Drool For. Couldn't Make a Picture in Time And This Website is a Joke That Doesn't Render Attached Images
  4. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    Sorry to Hear, Hope You Can Eventually Recover From That

    Sorry to Hear, Hope You Can Eventually Recover From That
  5. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    Test plots

  6. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    Why is my profile here not underlined with overlord

    The Staff Kind of Abandoned The Forums Since The "Because The Staff Team is Actually Abhorent" Thread Incident, I Think a Spambot Had an ad up For a Full Week Before it Got Deleted
  7. Raccoon Mario Fogo


  8. Raccoon Mario Fogo


  9. Raccoon Mario Fogo


  10. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    In Regards to The Post Before my Latest Post on This Profile, This is Video Evidence of it

    In Regards to The Post Before my Latest Post on This Profile, This is Video Evidence of it
  11. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    how do i delete my forums account

    It Seems Like There is no "Delete Account" Option, However You Can Message an Adminiextractor to Manually Destroy it as I Saw That Happening in The Past
  12. Raccoon Mario Fogo


  13. Raccoon Mario Fogo

    "Given to a Stork"

    "Given to a Stork"
  14. Raccoon Mario Fogo


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