Recent content by Reason

  1. Reason


  2. Reason


    I think you're entirely missing the point of servers/plugins like this, but good for you I guess
  3. Reason


  4. Reason


  5. Reason


  6. Reason


  7. Reason


  8. Reason

    Vulcano Out

    given your history, the minimum you could do for people to simply forgive you or acknowledge that you've bettered yourself is to change it lol. As for your server. If it is truly unique, and not just another DF clone, then I wish you the best of luck. Competition drives innovation but plain and...
  9. Reason

    Vulcano Out

    also change the pronouns it's just childish
  10. Reason

    Vulcano Out

    specifically the one that's *better* than DF. your words not mine
  11. Reason

    Vulcano Out

    nature is healing, can't wait to see your df clone fail
  12. Reason

    How do I get a dropped item's position

    Hey! Is the item spawned using code or is it dropped using the drop item event? Or is it dropped when a player dies?
  13. Reason

    the day i get unbanned

    I'd like to point out the edits I made to the original post. "I despise anyone in EBU" was not a reason for banning people in there, I was never DIRECTLY involved in the punishments relating to individual members in there (with the only exception being ARMcPro and even then I only provided the...
  14. Reason

    the day i get unbanned

    How is this any relevant to the original post? When I said not to be making assumptions I meant you shouldn't be blaming the moderation team for this person's specific case. You're also taking messages out of context lmao. I don't blame you considering you're banned from dfcord
  15. Reason

    the day i get unbanned

    I wouldn't be making assumptions ngl
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