Recent content by RodaballoXD

  1. RodaballoXD

    Trying to reenable vanilla sand behavior

    Could you explain what you are trying to do with that code?
  2. RodaballoXD

    Game Start System

    First of all: On Player Join Event, you give the player whatever item you are using to select ready/not ready. Then, you will need some code that decides when to start the game. The problem with this is that you can't just place the code in join event, because it would trigger once for every...
  3. RodaballoXD

    How can I make it so a player can grab another and throw them at any point?

    Also it would probably be better to use launch towards instead of teleport. Give it a very large number and set ignore distance to false
  4. RodaballoXD

    How can I make it so a player can grab another and throw them at any point?

    I don't really know exactly what to do, but surely you'll have to use Select Object. Maybe you can Select default target, invert selection and then filter by distance, that will not select what the player was looking at, but the closet one. Anyways, if you have managed to select the player that...
  5. RodaballoXD

    How to make a "Blink" ability?

    Maybe you can just set the player velocity to something very high, and after one game tick, set it to 0.
  6. RodaballoXD

    How can I make it so a player can grab another and throw them at any point?

    After the loop, outside of the brackets, use some launch player actions. Or you can get the direction the player who is carrying is looking, give that vector whatever length you want, and set the speed of the player that was been carried to that.
  7. RodaballoXD

    How can I make it so a player can grab another and throw them at any point?

    OK. I guess you have a loop that selects the player you are going to teleport, and uses some set vars and player action to teleport the player infinitely. When the players starts to carry another, you should set a game variable called %default carrying (or anything that has %default in its...
  8. RodaballoXD

    How can I make it so a player can grab another and throw them at any point?

    Are you using ride entity or launching/teleporting the player to a position?
  9. RodaballoXD

    How to give players better air control?

    To set a max speed, you could use get vector length, and if it's too high, (compare it with a number using the if variable block) use set vector length and give the player that speed. This isn't going to work either, the player isn't going to be able to change the direction they are moving, so...
  10. RodaballoXD

    Code comments

    You could add blocks that do nothing to insert text in the chests, but there isn't really a better way to do this.
  11. RodaballoXD

    Farm tokens

    I mean how many hours to get 4 tokens
  12. RodaballoXD

    Farm tokens

    How much time do you play?
  13. RodaballoXD

    These are my main sources of lag

    Never mind solved it on discord
  14. RodaballoXD

    These are my main sources of lag

    I've tried to optimize these templates but my CPU usage is still over 130% most of the time. IDK if that is necessarily bad but I'm planning to add more things that might use a lot of CPU. How could I make them better? The first one is an ability that damages a nearby mob, the second one is the...
  15. RodaballoXD

    How do I increase the maximum number?

    Maybe you could have multiple variables to store that number. You could have one named "thousand", which will store a value from 0 to 999. And you can have another one called "million" that also stores values from 0 to 999. To read that number you'll have to get the values as strings, and if you...
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