Recent content by sapfii

  1. sapfii

    Chat message sending twice.

    i would recommend making a cooldown (you can just set an item cooldown on an item you never use) due to the Right Click player event oftentimes running more than once (which i believe is a paper bug)
  2. sapfii

    DiamondFire Sales Update

    although there were never any claims it was solely about player benefit, it does benefit the players heavily! not only do people not have to wait all year to get ranks, diamondfire earns a bit more money in the long run to spend on server hosting/sponsors/whatever it needs to thrive, and in...
  3. sapfii

    These advertisements need to stop.

    i'll still be trying my best to keep this place adequately clean, but i don't think this is something the higher-ups have on their radar atm we did talk about solving this issue about a month ago, so i have hopes it'll be addressed eventually
  4. sapfii

    why can you ban and we cant this is rigged

    why can you ban and we cant this is rigged
  5. sapfii

    Idea: Unusable Horizons

    with world plots this could have a lot more customizability
  6. sapfii

    variable finder

    it'd be like a command (/plot findvar [varname] or something) and it'd simply look through your code and highlight it or open a menu that allows you to teleport to the specific code block that has it (kinda like the find feature in most text editiors/coding programs) it'd be a nice qof feature...
  7. sapfii

    make recovery compasses affected by Player Action: Set Compass

    legit what the title says, pls add it would be cool (ty and ily)
  8. sapfii


    an idea that probably wont work, but it might be a possibility dummies would be a kind of fake player, that you could summon with a command like /plot dummy [summon/remove] [number] they would count as a player, and would be affected by everything a player would of course a limit would be in...
  9. sapfii

    Team Manipulation

    A way to manipulate teams on df. This would be a game action category that allows you to add players, remove players, and all that from teams(the already existing system in Minecraft). A side suggestion that's sorta related to this: Transparency. It'd be a toggleable player action that just...
  10. sapfii

    Receive your forum rank here!

    a) Minecraft username: Khamr b) Rank: Overlord c) In-game screenshot of your request:
  11. sapfii

    Plot Aligners

    Simple suggestion, when creating or clearing a plot, there should be an option for a plot aligner, where there is a mark in the middle of the plot, and lines that go perpendicular to each other while also intersecting the middle. I've attached an image to help visualize this. Edit : attatchment...
  12. sapfii

    If Player : Item Lore Equals

    Thanks for the information! I'm an old-ish DF player from around 2017 so my brain is used to doing things like they were back then lol
  13. sapfii

    Poll Favorite Node?

    Node 1 : the og node
  14. sapfii

    If Player : Item Lore Equals

    Alright, thanks guys!
  15. sapfii

    If Player : Item Lore Equals

    As the title suggests, this would detect if an item has a specific lore An example being if I wanted to make a custom enchantment, I could just PlayerEvent : PlayerDamagePlayer IfPlayer : IsHolding{ IfPlayer : ItemLoreEquals("Poison III"){ PlayerAction(Victim) ...
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