Spamton's latest activity

  • Spamton
    Spamton posted the thread Fix the staff in Community Guides.
    The staff on diamondfire are so unbelievably biased. I know they are just volunteers, but after years of "helping" out diamondfire, they...
  • Spamton
    Spamton replied to the thread Did DF get a ddos attack.
    It wasnt a ddos, they said it was something wrong with their information storing
  • Spamton
    Spamton replied to the thread Proposed Feature: Mail.
    Fr and a party system friends would act like /locate, where doing /friend list would locate all of your friends
  • Spamton
    Spamton replied to the thread Dummies.
    Why would you suggest something that's stupid that's just a waste of space and not helpful
  • Spamton
    Spamton replied to the thread VIP Pass FAQ.
    Can you boost your own plots
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