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Add a codeblock action that sends people to different plots.


New member
Sep 12, 2023
Reaction score
So I was thinking about this feature. A codeblock action that allows the plot's players to join other plots. Would be useful for in-game plot ads or something. Also, there should be a feature that when you type in <join (your plot id)> in chat, and someone clicks it, they will be redirected to your plot. If this gets implemented, please make sure that if the join chip (that's what I'm calling the <join (your plot id)> message,) is in a ad, it won't work, because when you are using something like Recode that makes you join the plot instead of giving the command to join it while clicking on an ad, you may actually enter the wormhole.

These 2 additions to DiamondFire might rethink how game joining works entirely, I still think It's a good change that will make DiamondFire better.
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