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  1. mangosugarz

    Create List With The Names Of Each Person In The Plot?

    I need to make a list with the names of everyone on the plot. I thought selecting all players on the plot and setting a list to a game value with target names and current selection would work but it doesn't. Can anyone help me on my problem.
  2. mangosugarz

    2 problems

    1 - So i have this item to were when you hold it in offhand it will make you jump higher, but it will only work when there is 1 player in the game. it will completely be useless when there are 2 or more. How can I solve this? 2 - How can I set a cooldown to the item only the %default has and...
  3. mangosugarz


    Might be a silly and simple question to ask but how can i ignore durability on IF PLAYER IS WEARING?
  4. mangosugarz

    Press key on keybroad?

    How can i make it detect when i press a key on the keybroad such as Y or N?
  5. mangosugarz


    How can I get all of the item in a players inventory and place them into and have them placed in a menu within the code.
  6. mangosugarz

    Spawn Entity at nearest Mob? How can i grab a players HP and put it into a variable.

    I'm wonder how to spawn an entity such as a evoker fang at the nearest mobs loc. Idk if there is a value for that or I need something like variables. Also how can I grab a players HP to put it in a variable to display it.
  7. mangosugarz

    How can i earn prize tokens?

  8. mangosugarz

    Light Problem

    When in a room with no light sources the light level wont change no matter what. How can I fix this?
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