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  1. slime89

    If Player: Within Region

    If variable value is within range and put in player location game value and then the two locations for the region corners.
  2. slime89

    Anvil Items

    As far as I know currently there is no way to do this but you can use signs instead for text input.
  3. slime89

    I made a 3d model loader

    I made github repository so it easy to use (maybe)
  4. slime89

    I made a 3d model loader

    I made a python script that takes Blockbench models and generates data that can load them into DiamondFire with a model loader function.
  5. slime89

    Two that are three

    1) Team name: Two that are three 2) List of team members: slime89 GrizzlyLego badlou101 3) Plot ID of your game: 32838
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