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  1. kokohero

    when do you think df will get the freaking update?

    i’m really just waiting for a spawn cosmetic update
  2. kokohero

    Interactive Tutorials.

    feel like people could just make a plot for that if they wanted, but yeah this is a good idea.
  3. kokohero

    Funny story

    lmao didn’t even know we could get muted for calling someone an idiot
  4. kokohero

    Looking for work / looking to dev for people

    if you are gonna be dev for people you better get someone that is actually gonna work with you to make the game instead of you doing all the work
  5. kokohero

    Farm tokens

    don’t exactly know but that’s around what I get a day with a bunch of playing
  6. kokohero

    Farm tokens

    too much for my own good, but lately i’ve just been taking a break from df.
  7. kokohero

    Farm tokens

    4 per/day on average is what I found out with my own research
  8. kokohero

    Add a swear filter.

    I can confirm that I am 3
  9. kokohero

    Test plots

    I mean you can just use node beta or spare plots if you need to test code
  10. kokohero

    prob gonna be a hard task gl on the project

    prob gonna be a hard task gl on the project
  11. kokohero

    I farted

    you two should would be epic
  12. kokohero

    I farted

    The scent of the odor is disturbing my meal though, I do forgive you for the well put apology. (bit late to this post ain’t I?)
  13. kokohero

    Do you like Patch 6?

    gives so much more possibilities for games like custom items tho a lot of people are still mad about the naming thing
  14. kokohero

    give me drawing prompts I can draw in paint

    bit late to this but how about a cat?
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