Submitting a ticket
We recommend you read all of this before creating a ticket, especially reasons for ticket submissions, and when not to use ticket submissions.
To submit a ticket, simply click the Post Thread button. Feel free to fill in as much as you need. Avoid posting duplicate tickets. Once posted, the administration team will review your ticket and you will be updated on any changes. Depending on the area that the ticket covers, you may receive a label to where the ticket is being routed to which means that it is on its way!
Please don't submit a ticket for coding help, ban appeals, player reports, or bug reports as they belong in their own forum area; tickets are for the administration to look into. We do not provide coding assistance in the tickets as that is what the support team is for. Read more below!

Reasons for ticket submissions
The main reason behind the Contact area for ticket creation is to be able to contact the DiamondFire administration and have it handled with potentially better speeds and efficiency. Submitting a ticket will forward it to the admin team, so the administration will be able to properly log any ticket threads and get back to them easier. This allows us to easily go back to old tickets when needs be and improve how we handle cases.
While you can message an admin on the forums or on Discord (if they have their inbox or messages enabled), submitting a ticket here will forward it to everyone on the team instead of a sole staff member, speeding up response times, especially if the staff member you message is busy at the time. Once we review it, we will route it to specific departments depending on the scenario, or at times, anyone on the team will respond if it doesn't cover any specific areas that need the attention of staff or events management. Tickets at the end will offer better team management and potentially better ticket resolve speeds and improved efficiency.
Some common ticket submissions could be about:
Reasons not to use tickets
If you are wanting to post a ban appeal, report a player or bug, or need coding assistance, you shouldn't be posting here as that falls under different server area departments; post it at the respective areas. Your ticket will immediately be removed and closed, and you will be rerouted to the right place.
Severe server issues that require the assistance of an administrator, however, are allowed to be posted. Staff-related issues can also be sent through here but keep generalized reports out of the ticket area as it will slow us down from resolving more critical issues that need our presence.
If your ticket is not resolved within a few days, it could mean that we are receiving extra traffic, the availability of administration presence is lower, or that your ticket is classed as complex and may require admin team discussion before a response is given. If you didn't receive a response within 5 days, you can message an admin with your ticket link, and it will be routed to the right department or area.
We recommend you read all of this before creating a ticket, especially reasons for ticket submissions, and when not to use ticket submissions.
To submit a ticket, simply click the Post Thread button. Feel free to fill in as much as you need. Avoid posting duplicate tickets. Once posted, the administration team will review your ticket and you will be updated on any changes. Depending on the area that the ticket covers, you may receive a label to where the ticket is being routed to which means that it is on its way!
Please don't submit a ticket for coding help, ban appeals, player reports, or bug reports as they belong in their own forum area; tickets are for the administration to look into. We do not provide coding assistance in the tickets as that is what the support team is for. Read more below!

Reasons for ticket submissions
The main reason behind the Contact area for ticket creation is to be able to contact the DiamondFire administration and have it handled with potentially better speeds and efficiency. Submitting a ticket will forward it to the admin team, so the administration will be able to properly log any ticket threads and get back to them easier. This allows us to easily go back to old tickets when needs be and improve how we handle cases.
While you can message an admin on the forums or on Discord (if they have their inbox or messages enabled), submitting a ticket here will forward it to everyone on the team instead of a sole staff member, speeding up response times, especially if the staff member you message is busy at the time. Once we review it, we will route it to specific departments depending on the scenario, or at times, anyone on the team will respond if it doesn't cover any specific areas that need the attention of staff or events management. Tickets at the end will offer better team management and potentially better ticket resolve speeds and improved efficiency.
Some common ticket submissions could be about:
- General complaints or issues that you would like the administration to address
- As said above, this does not mean anything coding related unless it is an extreme out of hand bug report that cannot be posted in public
- General issues and complaints could be about staff members, spawn issues, or issues about an infraction you received if you genuinely believe it was an accident from a staff member—this specifically does not include mutes or bans; you need to post those at the appeal forum!
- Store payment issues
- Missing account data
- Account data transfer requests
- Bugged chunks
- Ideas and feedback with improving certain staff-related systems of the server
- And more! It is okay if your ticket does not meet this list as they are only common areas that are usually brought up
Reasons not to use tickets
If you are wanting to post a ban appeal, report a player or bug, or need coding assistance, you shouldn't be posting here as that falls under different server area departments; post it at the respective areas. Your ticket will immediately be removed and closed, and you will be rerouted to the right place.
Severe server issues that require the assistance of an administrator, however, are allowed to be posted. Staff-related issues can also be sent through here but keep generalized reports out of the ticket area as it will slow us down from resolving more critical issues that need our presence.
If your ticket is not resolved within a few days, it could mean that we are receiving extra traffic, the availability of administration presence is lower, or that your ticket is classed as complex and may require admin team discussion before a response is given. If you didn't receive a response within 5 days, you can message an admin with your ticket link, and it will be routed to the right department or area.
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