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An apology to the DF community for my recent behavior.


Forum adept
Sep 8, 2020
Reaction score
Hi, it's me. And I'm here to say, upfront: I'm sorry.

I know that my recent behavior may have upset some of you out there. Many of you, even. I know life is tough, and I honestly am disappointed in myself for making it even harder for some of you all. Truly, it was incredibly immature of me to act in such a way. I could have been an upstander, but I wasn't. I could have tossed aside my prejudice, but I thought I was right and I just couldn't see past my very own pride which had so obscured my eyes. As Saint Augustine said, "It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels." I think this quote very much applies to the situation.

Thus I come to make amends. Again, I'm sorry. I'm not asking for anyone's forgiveness; I only hope that you can understand that I am a flawed human being, and that I make mistakes not necessarily with the intent to harm, even if the damage I had done was painfully obvious to everyone except myself.

I no longer believe the harmful things that I only so recently came to realize were wrong and immature. I realize that these stances were not only incorrect, but naive and childish. Indeed, I had acted really quite childish when I did some of these things to some of you all. It must have been really frustrating. I thought I'd been funny, that I'd just been carrying out harmless jokes, but in reality all this served to do was betray my immaturity in these recent events. It was truly inexcusable what I did, truly unfortunate. I really should have known better.

My apologies go out to all who I have wronged in the recent controversy, and my condolences to those who still have not yet recovered from my actions.

I'm sorry.


New member
Jan 13, 2023
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Why would you apologise to this hellhole of a community
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