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Custom Crafting for Nons


Forum adept
Jan 18, 2023
Reaction score
First, make sure your plot crafting table is replaced with a barrel. This can be ignored if you have emperor and can use chest menus, but this is FOR NONS!

Make sure to create a "recipe" item that will be used in the crafting "table" to craft your item.

Then, add the following code to your player loop:
Set Container: (wherever your crafting "table" is), (recipe item)
Call Function: (result item's name)

Of course, we need to define that function!
Function: (result item's name) >
If Player Has Item: (recipe item) {
Remove Items: (recipe item)
If Player Has Item: (ingredient items) [Has All Items] {
Remove Items: (ingredient items)
Give Items: (result item)
-- (Indicate that the craft succeeded.)
} else {
-- (Indicate that the craft failed.)
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