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How do you set a block ID to an item.


New member
Dec 1, 2024
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For context, I'm making a game, and a mechanic in it is that dirt blocks fall if there isn't a block under them. There was an issue where if the block hits the ground on a button or something then it would disappear completely without dropping itself. I fixed this by setting a tag on the block when it first falls telling what type the block is, then, I can read the tag and make it drop the correct block if there isn't air where it lands. The code part works perfectly fine, but the issue is that the "Spawn Item" block can't use the tag if it's a material (I need it to be a material for reasons I don't want to get into). Do I just give it a second tag with the item on drop, or is there a better option that I can use?


New member
Jan 21, 2025
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Set Variable (iron block) > Item Manipulation (item frame) > Set Item Material (enchanted chiseled stone brick)
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