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Minecraft Isnt the same (1/???)


Forum adept
Jul 24, 2022
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It's no secret that Minecraft is widely known throughout the world. It has been for as long as I can remember, but that's besides the point. Overtime Minecraft has become more and more different with each update bring its own addition to the game. Recently though, the past few versions from 1.17 to the current one being 1.20, have not been that exciting. Now I may sound hypocritical about all this, but this is just what I feel based on some of the things I've seen for myself. As much as I'd love to make this super long and in-depth as possible, I won't do that all in this first post. Instead this will focus on the update versions 1.16 through 1.18.

To begin I want to focus on version 1.16 aka "The Nether Update" as it is a rather good starting point for this discussion. Starting with some of the features added, we had just previously received a new addition to the overworld with version 1.15, so it was unexcepted to see a Nether Update. Not only did 1.16 change the Overworld by adding "Ruined Portals", it also changed the Nether drastically by adding: 4 biomes, 2 wood types, 4 mobs, and more. Most notably the addition of a new ore material called "Netherite" which changed everything. Don't get me wrong, this update was incredible as it not only brought a whole bunch of stuff to the Nether, but it also brought more content for us to explore and you can't tell me you loved playing Pigstep for the first time. However this is not all sunshine and rainbows. While it was around this time that the world fell into the worldwide global pandemic of Covid-19, this was when gaming sort of took a halt and slowed down on content. I would get into other games being a factor of this, but the main focus of this is Minecraft. I understand that Covid-19 limited mojang (or as some people pronounce it moyang) from being able to push content out. Some games like Call Of Duty still managed to put out full fletched games, meanwhile Minecraft's over here like "Oh hey don't worry it's coming" and that was were they were wrong.

With the announcement of what was supposed to be "The Caves And Cliffs Update" eventually became known as a two-part update. Part one being The addition to the height making it "The Cliffs Update" and the second part was the addition of the cave expansion making it "The Caves Update" leading this to be titled "The Cliffs and Caves Update" ironic how those two are swapped, but that's not the point. See once this update was announced originally, there was also something called a "Biome Vote" which appeared in 2019 at Minecon. Following this, a "Mob Vote" was also held, but that had been around since 2017. As much as I loved the new terrain height expansion and massive cave generations with 1.17, It felt sad knowing that this was a two part update. While Part 1 contained both 1.17 and 17.1, Part 2 of this contained 1.18 to 18.2 which is where I say they wasted 2 versions instead of making it one big update.

In 1.18.2 they announced that this would be the addition of the expansion to caves, the trailer would then go on to reveal that we would get a new boss known as "The Warden" but that wasn't the case. Instead Mojang waited a whole lot of time just to release this one messily little update while it included the addition of a "Sculk Senor" via the creative inventory, It didn't live up to expectations we had in mind. 1.18 felt like 1.17, it had the same height expansion, the depths were different, we had new biomes and blocks, but we didn't have that one special biome "The Deep Dark" and that's why I say they wasted many versions on this.

To summarize this so far, we have covered some basic points of the updates 1.16 - 1.18, and still have to cover some more, if you want feel free to leave your thoughts regarding the updates mentioned so far. For now though, to be continued...
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