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Mining Events and a tad bit more...


New member
Oct 3, 2021
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Alright we are all aware of the Left Click Event and Break Block Event but that can only bring you so far. I think that two new events should be added to the server to help with custom mining features.

Player Begin Mining Block - I know the Left Click Event is a thing but it can be triggered others ways! Along with that im not sure if this means anything or not but you can change the attack block in your keybinds menu.

Player Abort Mining Block
- I feel like it would be cool so you can tell when the player has stopped mining along with that mabye a game value for the reason you stopped mining mabye it could be like "Switched Block","Gave Up","Finished Mining","Unkown"

And last but not least!

If Player > Toggleables > Is Mining - This is rather simple just testing if the player is still mining!

Currently the only way to do anything like this is that I know of (Courtesy of Mr_Dumpling) is to use a bug and constantly switch between survival and adventure mode to trigger the Left Click Event

This last thing is why are dictionary keys restricted to text? Makes no sense! If you could set them to items or number or anything, It would open a new world of ease, now don't get me wrong I still love dictionaries but why not do this?
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