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Transfer rank from old account to new one

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New member
Apr 3, 2022
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So I’ve got an old account with emperor rank named crazy1joe, is it possible to transfer the rank from my old account to my new one? I’ve got access to both accounts.
Open a ticket, it's our standard method now

And with the other messages above, to clear up real fast, it's discouraged to PM admins about it because it's counter intuitive with holding records and response times. Some of us route you back to the ticket area. It is okay to message an admin with the ticket link, but only do it once because we do not want multiple people on the ticket, it creates issues. Tickets hold information about an event or incident, and it will be on the record that this transfer happened. If we were to go back to the archives, we would know the conclusion, date, all information, and the ticket responder or admin department that has responded, messaging admins can get this information lost in the process and it may...


Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
Reaction score
Open a ticket, it's our standard method now

And with the other messages above, to clear up real fast, it's discouraged to PM admins about it because it's counter intuitive with holding records and response times. Some of us route you back to the ticket area. It is okay to message an admin with the ticket link, but only do it once because we do not want multiple people on the ticket, it creates issues. Tickets hold information about an event or incident, and it will be on the record that this transfer happened. If we were to go back to the archives, we would know the conclusion, date, all information, and the ticket responder or admin department that has responded, messaging admins can get this information lost in the process and it may not be on record that this event took place. Additionally, seven other admins may be available to assist people which ups the response times, it makes our lives so much easier. Hope it made some sense!

"Contact admins"
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