Recent content by chadulous__

  1. chadulous__


  2. chadulous__

    VIP Pass FAQ

    yes, I've seen someone do it earlier
  3. chadulous__

    VIP Pass FAQ

    W tbh.
  4. chadulous__

    Cus I said so

    Cus I said so
  5. chadulous__


  6. chadulous__

    hey dumb stupid idiot I forgot to wish you another 1 year but ur a stupid dumb dumb stupid idiot

    hey dumb stupid idiot I forgot to wish you another 1 year but ur a stupid dumb dumb stupid idiot
  7. chadulous__

    skill issue 🥶

    skill issue 🥶
  8. chadulous__


  9. chadulous__

    Legos 😈

    Legos 😈
  10. chadulous__

    Programming What is your favorite Database and why? [full stack developers only]

    shameless plug im making a JS library that turns a Key Value database into a relational database but relational data can only be by ID because it would be expensive get each key then get each value and check a sertain field
  11. chadulous__

    You can put %var in CALL FUNCTION blocks

    me otw to make a wave system
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