Recent content by pixlii

  1. pixlii

    DiamondFire Sales Update

    this was months ago what are you on about lol
  2. pixlii

    oh BROTHER! This guy SUCKS!

    oh BROTHER! This guy SUCKS!
  3. pixlii

    i think they're just hating

    i think they're just hating
  4. pixlii

    Why do you get mod but i don't ge t helper

    Why do you get mod but i don't ge t helper
  5. pixlii

    How to disable block interaction?

    actually, cancel event only cancels default world interactions- the code that you set will be unaffected by it
  6. pixlii

    How to disable block interaction?

    you can use GAME EVENT: Cancel Event on PLAYER EVENT: Right Click to cancel any right click effects
  7. pixlii


  8. pixlii

    imagine having emperor... not even overlord...

    imagine having emperor... not even overlord...
  9. pixlii

    Stepping Beyond DiamondFire: Embracing a New Coding Horizon

  10. pixlii

    this guy... is goated!

    this guy... is goated!
  11. pixlii

    Some rando idk

    Some rando idk
  12. pixlii

    DiamondFire Sales Update

    iirc sponsors are hard rn because they don't have the servers to support the big influx of players they'd get from it
  13. pixlii

    /Colors and /Colours

    Insert that one copypasta
  14. pixlii

    accidentally used a massive plot instead of a large plot is there a way to unclaim the plot

    run /plot unclaim while on the plot in dev mode, that should unclaim it and give it back
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