Recent content by xmap

  1. xmap


  2. xmap

    when do you think df will get the freaking update?

    August 12th, 2036 if you're wondering
  3. xmap

    Wow thanks

    Wow thanks
  4. xmap

    rise and shine mr freeman rise and shine not that i wish to imply you have been sleeping on the...

    rise and shine mr freeman rise and shine not that i wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job no one is more deserving of a rest and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until well lets just say your hour has come again the right man in the wrong place can make all the...
  5. xmap

    Fox!!! Fox fox fox

    Fox!!! Fox fox fox
  6. xmap

    How to install Arch Linux

    KDE is better
  7. xmap

    how do i leave stanley parable

    okay yeah true i did but someone made a post here i had to delete and i just felt the need to respond, i'm sorry 😭 and it was also only 2 days since the last reply when i made that post
  8. xmap

    how do i leave stanley parable

    only person to get it right smh
  9. xmap

    thats cool

    thats cool
  10. xmap


  11. xmap

    does this website support blockquotes ```py print("hhiiihhjh") ```

    does this website support blockquotes ```py print("hhiiihhjh") ```
  12. xmap

    idk they didn't give me helper either

    idk they didn't give me helper either
  13. xmap

    See this big guy? He be eating all the little guys.

    See this big guy? He be eating all the little guys.
  14. xmap


  15. xmap

    Allow ppl to give tokens.

    so true rmf
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