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    Discussion #Texas2021 Campaign

    The third quad-annual Diamondfire Elections are looking particularly one-sided thus far. The only other prominent candidate, IAP (International Amogus Party), kind of sucks. At any rate, it wouldn't be much of an election if there weren't multiple parties to choose from. With that, I'm depressed...
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    Skymines, Low Quality Plots, and You

    Recently, there's been a lot of complaining about a certain category of plot, known as Skymines. For those who have been living at the bottom of the Marianas Trench and have no idea what the hell I'm talking about, Skyminers are basically just low-quality prison servers. Yeah. In my opinion...
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    Discussion Player Generated Content: What makes it so popular?

    Hey! This question has bothered me for a while now. What exactly is it that makes player generated content/user generated content games so popular? I figured that since the entire point of DF was to make your own games, this would be the right place to ask. What do you enjoy about being able to...
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    i present to you

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    ottelino exposed

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    count to 1000

    let's see if this forum (a collective of complete fools) can successfully count to 1000. rules are as follows: -you must count in increments of 1. -you may send messages, but every message must end in a number. -if somebody messes it up, we start over. -if somebody intentionally, constantly...
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    Exposing Ottelino

    didnt even invite me back to labs smh cancelled
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    whatsdusty called me unfunny, and my honor has been annihlated whatsdusty you're cringe
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    pupqet is femboy

    pupqet stop killing me in melon king pls i'm an orphan
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    masterpost of everyone on df who is cool

    everyone you're all cool
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    i unboxed an unusual

    yeah that's it it's pretty cool
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