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Diamond Fire Appeal Wait Time


New member
Aug 5, 2022
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I had recieved said punishment right about two months ago, my appeal was posted not long after this occured, I've gotten no response from any staff but a direct conversation with said person who had punished me (not that I did anything wrong).

I just really find this a little annoying why this should take over two months to proccess through with the fair few staff who can manage these things.

I've not been able to access Diamond Fire for two months, don't you think that's a little annoying, well funny enough I was in the middle of working with various other people to create our game jam game...

Please do try to improve the wait time on our end, I understand there are many things to account for when proccessing through appeals, but to be banned for 'not really any reason' (that was not my fault) for two months is cruel and painful, I do miss it, it's not a need for me to play DF but.. I care about the community :-(

Kind Regards,


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
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My appeal was placed in December of last year. Given my circumstances, this is likely of no help to you. Though, part of both of our scenarios would likely be the simple problem of, the staff have lives. Depending on the severity of your infraction(s), the whole mod team, or maybe even the admin team, plus Jere, may have to discuss your appeal together. A conversation like this is visibly difficult considering the many responsibilities they all have in and out of DF, as well as time zone differences. I believe there are many ways to streamline this that could be implemented, but may not be possible without a large web rework. For now the best you can do is wait, I would recommend not messaging staff until at least 6 months from this post, because at that point there is a very real chance it could get forgotten (they’re people too, with a lot on their plates), unless there is an issue at play, simply to give them the time they need.


Active member
Nov 12, 2023
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Before I begin my thoughts on this statement you made, I would like to say that everything I am about to say is how I personally feel from experience with this kind of situation. The one thing that stood out to me when reading this short post, is how you say and I quote
I've gotten no response from any staff but a direct conversation with said person who had punished me
My question to you is this; Did You reach out or did this Staff Member reach out and talked to you about it? From my experience with the staff team, I have instantly taken to the forums to try and get my warns excused because the reality of it and I don't care what anyone says at this point, I've lost all f's to give at this point, but point is I would take to the forums and say that the reason for why I did said action was merely out of rage or invigoration and to my utter disappointment it wasn't accepted, which understandable, you're just doing your job as a mod on a Minecraft server targeted to mainly what I can gather seems to be a younger audience so I can respect the need for moderation there in toxicity and such. Anyways, I am currently on a ban that is perm until February of 2025, which in my opinion is overkill when the ban occurred on the 12th of September 2023 and how Ironic it is almost 1 year since I was banned. I have exhausted everything I can possibly think of. Everything from being laughed at by a former staff member, Writing a 5 page document stating why I should be unbanned, to even writing a whole goddamn essay that took so long to type and got just about ~2k+ views across all 3 parts of it... nonetheless I still sit here waiting to comeback, but at this point I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye... Though I'm sure you will be able to get in at some point... the moderation is a bit jank in my opinion and needs some improvements, but overall there isn't a lot we can do... Think of it like a loop, no matter what we say or do; we will always end up back in this same spot, someone complaining about the staff team, and getting nowhere... it's become a cycle at this point...


New member
Aug 5, 2022
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Before I begin my thoughts on this statement you made, I would like to say that everything I am about to say is how I personally feel from experience with this kind of situation. The one thing that stood out to me when reading this short post, is how you say and I quote

My question to you is this; Did You reach out or did this Staff Member reach out and talked to you about it? From my experience with the staff team, I have instantly taken to the forums to try and get my warns excused because the reality of it and I don't care what anyone says at this point, I've lost all f's to give at this point, but point is I would take to the forums and say that the reason for why I did said action was merely out of rage or invigoration and to my utter disappointment it wasn't accepted, which understandable, you're just doing your job as a mod on a Minecraft server targeted to mainly what I can gather seems to be a younger audience so I can respect the need for moderation there in toxicity and such. Anyways, I am currently on a ban that is perm until February of 2025, which in my opinion is overkill when the ban occurred on the 12th of September 2023 and how Ironic it is almost 1 year since I was banned. I have exhausted everything I can possibly think of. Everything from being laughed at by a former staff member, Writing a 5 page document stating why I should be unbanned, to even writing a whole goddamn essay that took so long to type and got just about ~2k+ views across all 3 parts of it... nonetheless I still sit here waiting to comeback, but at this point I'm afraid it's time to say goodbye... Though I'm sure you will be able to get in at some point... the moderation is a bit jank in my opinion and needs some improvements, but overall there isn't a lot we can do... Think of it like a loop, no matter what we say or do; we will always end up back in this same spot, someone complaining about the staff team, and getting nowhere... it's become a cycle at this point...
Said Staff member did reach out to me on Discord to talk about the mis-understanding of exactly what happened.
Though I do not blame the staff member for banning me without much reasoning on my view of things, I was banned for 'Ban Evasion' permanently, which is not exactly what you want to see as a player who has never been punished before, I was un-aware of why I was banned for this as I only have a single account for minecraft Java and I've never been banned or punished before on a single server.

I would also like to mention that yes, they do too have lives and a lot of other things in life to do, but even when there are modertators on (which I appreciate for helping to keep the server a healthy community) I don't think too much gets done with appeals, now I do know that there are probaly many appeals, many minor some major, there are many other things to consider that cause this but I do think that it's possible to sort through appeals better. (though I cannot speak on behalf of your view of things, and how difficult it is)

I don't intend any of this is insult or directly acuse wrong-doers within the community, I do not wish to encourage insulting behaviour and complaining of the server staff who do work hard to get things done.
Just please try to fix this.

Kind regards,
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