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[Discussion] Redo... Your favorite/entertaining moments on DiamondFire!


Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
Reaction score

Refrizor here accidentally permanently wiped the previous thread from the machine... oops. Poof, gone. It got caught in the crossfire of spam threads I was tossing into the purgatory. Let's try again if you want! I have to retype everything but hey, whatever!

Your favorite/entertaining moments on DiamondFire!​

Hey everyone! I was wondering what your favorite moments were on DiamondFire, overall? The things that made you go "woww". No public shaming here though, be nice!

Here are some of mine!

Honestly, my favorite moments: chatting with the community and meeting amazing friends! I met so many amazing people here, and my life would be far different if it weren't for them for which is sort of scary to think about, but I'm really grateful. The people here led me to finding two super friendly and supportive communities that I can my other home. It's been fun chatting with everyone. At times, I get the cold shoulder from toxic and negative people because I am enforcing the rules as per the job and people will eventually get mad at us for breaking rules, but it's generally been a blast. 😝

Another favorite moment was being promoted to Junior Moderator back in 2015 during a mod wave. I was promoted by my (ex) staff manager, 4DShortStack, along with another moderator: thebean33. I might have had one more member—maybe Whodeyy—but I really can't recall! This is one my favorite moments because moderation was so fresh back then. Everything was so new, and I felt this constant thrill, this adrenaline that would flow in excitement. As my time here progressed, things got a bit less exciting as usual with anything because my responsibilities were ingrained and eventually it all felt like just a part of the job, even though I enjoyed it so much. I met the old staff team back then when they added me to the Skype group (we used Skype back then!) and it was truly amazing to meet all of those people. It all felt like a really warm friend group; the staff team was really small, and everyone felt so close. I was new to moderation, and haven't had any professional experience beforehand, just some experience with hosting servers, so being taught the ins and outs of basic moderation was really a blast for me, and it always felt filling because the only reason I became a moderator was to protect and help people, and that's my purpose in life.

Joining the admin team was another awesome experience. I always wanted to make more of an impact, and I've been able to which has made it fun along the way because it makes me feel like you are really doing something for the greater good of the server/community.

Getting rekt in Bed Wars lol. Seriously, playing bed wars and other types of competitive games throughout the years has been really fun. Playing bed wars here has to be one of my favorite minigame moments, even though I was really not good at it lol

I will be sure not to nuke this thread again, promise! See you in the next post, and I'll seeya in the comments! 🖤


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
Mine is definitely when I coded a kitpvp game with a friend and it got over 6 players (that was a lot in 2016)!


Oct 24, 2020
Reaction score
Mine was when I first joined DiamondFire and started coding via tutorials. Everything felt quite exciting and fun. I wasn't playing minecraft a lot before so it is one of the first experiences I've had with minecraft overall and a fun one at that.

(Probably made more progress working on that game than any that I owrked on after xD)


Forum adept
Jan 26, 2023
Reaction score
Mine was when random players started joining my plot while in indev stage,
i whitelisted that plot


Forum adept
Sep 20, 2021
Reaction score
When I recently was offline and checked the player count on my Ele RPG 2. It was at 8. I was quite shocked.

When my friend decided "screw it" and just spawned 38 final bosses of the previously mentioned game at once. Tearing trough them was satisfying.

When CP levels froze and I realised I had a Diamond level.

When I reached the Diamond level. (with a skyminer, lol) The animation for obtaining it was just amazing.

And finally, when I reached 17 or so players on my first game, Stormblock PvP. Just people flying around, fighting each other in a game I put love into. This truly is one of the best experiences a DiamondFire programmer can have.
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