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Outreach Manager
Retired Admin
Sep 3, 2020
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He was told to apologize by another ryan.
Yes, although I was asked by ryan to apologize, I legitimately meant everything that I said in the apology. Hindsight is 20/20, and I admit I should've apologized sooner, but that doesn't change the fact that the apology was genuine.

I admit that I made a series of mistakes on October 8th 2020, and that I genuinely regret all of those mistakes. I wish I had never said what I said. I wish I was able to understand the social interaction between A and B, and know that they were joking. I wish I had paid more attention to chat and seen A's message telling me that they were friends. But I also wish that A would understand that they are not removed from all fault in this situation. While they never explicitly broke any rules, they could've handled the situation in a way that would've resulted in a vastly different outcome. On the other hand, I could have, and should have, handled it differently as well.

If A, or any other player, believes that my apology was not genuine, then there is nothing further I could do to change their mind. All I can do is take solace in the fact that I know the apology was genuine, and learn from my mistakes. I know the phrase "Learning from your mistakes" is cheesy, but it's true.


Forum adept
Sep 6, 2020
Reaction score
There’s evil people on df? *gasp* It could be anyone of us, in fact, they could be on this thread right now! It could be you, it could be me, it could even be *gets banned*


Active member
Sep 21, 2020
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the dude who provided the ss to otte is me, i do feel bad because it was private. But i apologized to dub and we are still cool.


Server Developer
Sep 8, 2020
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I've made multiple posts in the past about my problems with the server staff. This post is specifically about Dubinzi and his crimes against the server and its players. Let me say this now. Dubinzi is not a good admin. He is a liar and punishment-hungry. There are multiple accounts of him being biased towards staff members, several cases of him being corrupt, and many instances of him downright being evil.

I'm going to list a couple of the deplorable actions Dubinzi has done to the server members.
This list is, for the most part, from least severe to most severe. Some things early on in the list won't seem like too much of a cause for concern, but are still worth mentioning.

This is the most recent incident.
Context: Dubinzi was going around gathering videos from various plots for something.

The plots, in order, are:
- [22:59:57] Blockparty (Staff - Ryanland)
- [23:06:56] Puffer Kart
- [23:14:04] Turf Wars (Staff - TheFoxPlush
- [23:20:50] Assassins (Staff - Ryanland)
- [23:21:37] Blast Off
- [23:33:37] Sky Wars
- [23:37:15] PushTuff (Staff - TheMaxs)

Alright so there's a bit to dissect here, over half of the plots are from staff members. The amount of staff-made plots
selected raises suspicion in me already, but whatever. What really bothers me is this chatlog (grabbed while the next incident was happening):
[23:23:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin]Dubinzi: I'm open to suggestions for plots to record on, yall [23:23:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] quincy2015 left. [23:23:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: GG Satate [23:23:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Isle [23:23:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin]Dubinzi: as long as it's multiplayer
Notice the statement "as long as it's multiplayer" (likely referring to his message from seconds before)
Now also look at the very final plot on his catalogue of promotional plots. PushTuff.
If you've played PushTuff before, you know very well that it is not a multiplayer game by any means. (Not to mention the game is relatively old compared to all the other games he chose.)
Make of that what you will.
(Summary) Dubinzi was picking plots to show what DF can do, and imposes a rule after allowing people to vote saying that the plot must be multiplayer, and then goes on to pick a non-multiplayer plot because it was owned by staff. (Over half of the chosen plots were staff-made)

Tying into the previous incident, this one takes place during the promotional plot raids.
Midway through he asked what players want to play next:
[23:23:19] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin]Dubinzi: I'm open to suggestions for plots to record on, yall
[23:23:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] quincy2015 left.
[23:23:22] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: GG Satate
[23:23:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Isle
[23:23:23] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] [Admin]Dubinzi: as long as it's multiplayer
[23:23:24] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]TighterRIP: Dubinzi
[23:23:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Join isle
[23:23:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: uh
[23:23:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]xprogam3rx: bro isle
[23:23:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?]? [Emperor]HyperBeast43: Isle
[23:23:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]TighterRIP: do Blast Off
[23:23:28] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Isle
[23:23:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: Isle
[23:23:30] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?10?]? [?Overlord?][R]daddychill: Isle
[23:23:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]trashoflevillage: ISLE
[23:23:31] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Do Isle
[23:23:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: ISLE
[23:23:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]TighterRIP: isle is awful
[23:23:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]trashoflevillage: Do Isle it's good promise
[23:23:36] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]xprogam3rx: isle rn or am going to beat up
[23:23:37] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]Tjthegamerking: no
[23:23:40] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Isle is so g ood
[23:23:47] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]TighterRIP: do Blast Off
[23:23:49] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Do Isle
[23:23:53] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]Tjthegamerking: insert obama giving himself medal meme here
[23:23:54] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Everyone is saying Isle
[23:24:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: You asked
[23:24:05] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]Yudodiss: Dubinzi
[23:24:07] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]KingChak: rebix get down here
[23:24:08] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: and most people just said Isle
[23:24:09] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?]? [?Overlord?]ToastyToes22: whats isle
[23:24:10] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]Yudodiss: record on milwer
[23:24:12] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?10?]? [?Overlord?][R]daddychill: c'mon dubinzi do a community requested plot
[23:24:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: ^
[23:24:15] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: oh
[23:24:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?10?]? [?Overlord?][R]daddychill: don't be bias
[23:24:16] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: k
[23:24:17] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] MuddyLord joined.
[23:24:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]xprogam3rx: i expect to be seeing isle on on top of trending instead of milwer
[23:24:18] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Isle
[23:24:21] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: We want Isle
[23:24:25] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: Which plot Satate
[23:24:26] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?]? [Emperor]HyperBeast43: conme on
[23:24:27] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: Like 6 of us want Isle
[23:24:29] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?9?]? [?Overlord?]Satate: do it
[23:24:33] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[?]? [Emperor]HyperBeast43: tightyer was my target
[23:24:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] ?[???]? [?Overlord?]SuperGamersGames: Record footage of Isle
5 unique people wanted Isle; 1 wanted Milwer Kitpvp; 1 wanted Blast Off.
Guess what was chosen? Blast Off.
A very fair and balanced vote.
I was pestering him a bit before for doing mostly staff-made plots, which is why I believe he disregarded the majority vote for my plot.
It's not insanely disappointing but it's clear bias.
(Summary) Dubinzi, while holding the promotional plot vote, went against the overwhelming majority vote because he was annoyed with me, the owner of said voted plot. Bias.

Context: Me and daddychill were spamming /play on plots Dubinzi called attention to. We ended up getting kicked for spam and created ghost players.
Obviously spamming /play is irritating. The entire time Dubinzi didn't say a word. He didn't ask us to stop.
After everything was done, he warns us both for rule 5.4 infringement, Yeah, whatever, it was deserved even if him not asking us to stop is extremely bad moderating.

daddychill then messages Dubinzi "luv u bb"
What would a sensible mod do? Have a slight chuckle and ignore it.
What does Dubinzi do? Take the opportunity to call it "provocation" or whatever and tempban daddychill.
Actually, no. He didn't even have a reason. There was no reason given on the ban, not provocation, nothing. Just a flat out reasonless ban.

Here are some images from the ensuing argument:
View attachment 407
View attachment 408
View attachment 409

If you somehow care enough to read through the whole argument, here is a link to it in #dfchat: https://discord.com/channels/180793115223916544/180793115223916544/802413681669439538
(Summary) After warning both me and daddychill for spamming /play on plots, he revokes daddychill's warn and replaces it with a tempban for messaging him "luv u bb". This shows how quickly he is willing to warn someone.

Default Situation:
Alright. The previous ones are annoying and show how warn-hungry and biased Dubinzi is.
But this one, I'm not spoilering this. This is the situation I refer to when I call him evil.
I am not directly involved in this situation, the people who are want to remain anonymous, and I will respect that.

All of the screenshots take place after the incident happened.
We have 2 people, Person A and Person B.
- They are friends, and are jokingly insulting eachother in chat, nothing harmful.
- Dubinzi (Who is an admin at this point in time) gets on and warns one of them (Not sure which).
- The two say that they were joking around and were okay with the insults, and ask for the warn to be revoked.

This is Dubinzi, so it can't be as simple as revoking a warn.
(Going to note that this isn't even the half of it, it gets much worse)

Screenshot 1:
View attachment 410
Wow, okay. let's dissect this.
"Dubs disrespecting two ppl is tottaly normal." - Dubinzi disrespected them during the incident. Something an admin clearly shouldn't be doing.
"I was not notified of this in the logs dub sent." - This implies that Dubinzi modified the logs that they sent to the other admins about the situation.

Re-read that. Dubinzi modified the logs that they sent to the other admins about the situation.
I'm sorry? What? Are you kidding me?

Continuing, the final block of text is what kills me.
Dubinzi says: "terrified that two nons with bad reputations will ruin me."
Dubinzi, what the actual Hell. Keep in mind that he is an Admin. And he is behaving like this. This is entirely unacceptable on every level imaginable.

Screenshot 2:
Continuing through the screenshots,
View attachment 412
There's not as much to say about this screenshot.

Obviously Person A argued against the warn, and they were trollmuted because of that.
Not only that, but Person A claims that dubinzi is "straight up disrespecting me and making me look like a liar"
Which I believe entirely based on the previous logs and messages.

Screenshot 3:
Bit of a longer one.
View attachment 414
Reading this, we can see that Person A claims that Dubinzi is insulting a bunch of people, and claim that the rules don't apply to him because he is admin.
Time and time again, staff get by on things that would be punished in a heartbeat by mods. It's ridiculous. I have no clue how Dubinzi wasn't instantly demoted after this incident considering his reputation beforehand and the fact that this happened very recently after his promotion.
Besides that, we can see Person A mention "last time" also involving Dubinzi.
Dubinzi has done this multiple times.
Wow. Not only has he done this sort of crap multiple times, but Person A has received genuine hate because of Dub.

Screenshot 4:
View attachment 415

Here we see Person A talking with Dubinzi. I don't think there's really much to say here. The log speaks for itself.
We know from previous logs that they were warned for disrespect and trollmuted for spam.

Person A said multiple times that Person B was their friend, and wasn't muted, but trollmuted for spam. Nice one, Dubinzi.
Dubinzi ignores people very tactically, refer to the first two incidents where Dubinzi barely said a word to me until after the incidents happened.
This image is really depressing to read.

As we've seen a bit from Incidents 1-3, Dubinzi has a bias towards other staff and staff-made plots, and intentionally ignores people until he can warn them for as much as possible. I mainly want to talk about Incident 4, though.
After his abhorrent behavior near instantly after he got admin, I am in complete shock as to how he kept his position as admin after the things he said and his clear abuse of power on some members of this community.
This is not a person who should have the power to trollmute, silent warn, ban, etc.
This is not a person who should even be staff after their actions.

I want to end this post off with my favorite quote of all time, by the one and only Dubinzi:

"Terrified that two nons with bad reputations will ruin me."
- Dubinzi, 2020
am I good staff 🥺


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Sep 27, 2020
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gonna have to disagree with this one chief, you may see on your side on how evil he is blah blah, you're the one annoying/breaking rules, if you simply tell someone it was an accidient (and very clearly able to be understood as an accident) then they should understand right? right, dub did that for yesterday, sorry to say but some of this stuff is just not right looking at what the reasoning is


Notorious member
Sep 6, 2020
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gonna have to disagree with this one chief, you may see on your side on how evil he is blah blah, you're the one annoying/breaking rules, if you simply tell someone it was an accidient (and very clearly able to be understood as an accident) then they should understand right? right, dub did that for yesterday, sorry to say but some of this stuff is just not right looking at what the reasoning is
yeah i agree with your opinion

i mean i didn't read the post but you're endersalt and your epic so i agree wit u


New member
Sep 6, 2020
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ALL STAFF ARE BAD // ASAB ASAB ASAB ASAB ASAB // though i believe some of ur pieces of evidence are a bit exaggerated i can see where you're coming from

i've been punished for a multitude of times and i still think that half of those times were due to some bias/nitpicking of staff members (based on my own judgment, not saying its 100% however)
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