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every(*) ranked code block perk and its ability to be made without a rank


New member
Mar 10, 2023
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Now with Mythic code!
1/10 to 10/10 - 1/10 being buggy to the point where you should just buy the rank, 10/10 means no seeable difference while playing and in code, besides maybe a few extra code blocks.
* - notes about the code

Notes before you begin:
This guide is UNFINISHED, currently, only noble, emperor, and mythic is finished due to how much there is.
Anything that can be unlocked with tokens is NOT considered a ranked code perk due to it being able to be unlocked with normal gameplay.
Anything not mentioned here is either: obviously impossible OR technically recreatable but requires alot of hardcoding to work.
To add on to above, I may have also just forgot that feature exists, or it's so useless no one uses it.
If you believe I am wrong with some of my impossibles, send a comment.

1. Player action
Save/load inv - 8/10 *Takes up a decent amount of saved var space.
Set player list info - impossible/10 *I don't think there is any way ever that you can remake this, if I am wrong, send me a plot that proves that I am wrong in the comments.
Set movement speed - 7/10 *speed potion exists, although it is hard to get the exact numbers, making this code block still superior.
Enable instant respawn - 9/10 *Player event: on death, game action: cancel event, player action: teleport.
Ride entity - 3/10 *you are unable to force someone to ride without this, but they can still ride stuff.
Display block - impossible/10 *maybe you can remake this with a bug? Idk man.
Display block opened state - impossible?/10 *I feel like there is a way to remake this but not sure.
Display sign text - impossible?/10 *due to it being player-specific, there is probably no way to remake this.
Set fog distance - 1(?)/10 *very sure you cannot effect this, unless you want like 0 visibility, in that case, just give em darkness or blindness.
Display particle line - 10/10 *Repeat on path -play particle at current location.
Display particle sphere - 10/10 *repeat on circle.
Set visual fire - 4/10 *you could just set their fire ticks and give em fire res ig.
send hurt/wake up animation - impossible?/10 *also unsure about this one, probably impossible though.
Set visual shoulder parrot - idk/10 *probably possible, but I really do not care about this.
2. Entity action
Set visual fire - 4/10 *see player action: visual fire.
Set Projectile display item - 6/10 *just tp a item to the location of the throwed thing.
Send mob animation - impossible?/10 *I feel like some of the mob animations are possible.
Ride entity - 2/10 *even harder because the entity will not usually try to ride a mob
Set Silenced - impossible/10
Set marker - ??????/10 *1st of all, what is this even used for!?!?!?!?!? 2nd of all, you can't even summon armor stands without mythic!
Use item - impossible?/10 *yet another case where i am unsure.
3. Game action
There's nothing lol.
4. All if's and repeat on's
Also nothing.
5. Selects/set var
1. Player action
Open Book - 7/10 *You are unable to force people to open up books but you can just give them one.
Every open inv EXCEPT for set inv menu name, expand inv, and close inv - 5/10 *players have to open up the chest you use on their own accord, and you cannot open a inv from pressing something, + it's a bit janky.
Set menu name - impossible?/10 *Idk man.
Expand inv and close inv - impossible/10
Display hologram - 8/10 *Works pretty well using items.
Set Status - impossible/10
All world border commands - 5/10 *While you probably could with particles and stuff, it's not going to look as good as normal world border.
2. Player event
Click menu slot -10/10 *using click inv slot with the rankless inv menus you can find on codevault, this is pretty easy to remake.
Player command - 8/10 *while it can be janky, you can use books to make something like that.
Player close inv - 5/10 *Probably recreatable, idk tho.
3. If's
All command if's - 9/10 *The command book stuff on codevault supports all of these.
4. Set var
Set map texture - impossible/10 *This exists?????
5. Everything else
1. Player action
Add/remove bossbar - 6/10 *While some clever tricks with withers make this possible, without noble, the annoying wither noises will appear.
Send achievement -impossible/10 *You are unable to recreate almost any sort of baseline things (message, actionbar, title, ect) in df.
Set to spectator mode -6/10 *You can recreate most of the basics of this, but it looks pretty bad.
Spectate target - 4/10 *Probably possible, but idk.
Set spectator collision - 10/10 *Use set collision.
Display pickup animation - impossible?/10 *Maybe possible?
Set mob hidden - 2/10 *You can really only hide it for everyone.
Set chat tag - impossible/10
2. Game/Entity action
ALL armor stand things - impossible/10 *You are unable to summon armor stands, making this impossible.
ALL display things - impossible/10
Spawn area of effect cloud - 6/10 *You can summon it, but you cannot edit it.
Set pose - impossible/10
Set riptiding - impossible/10
3. Everything else
Last edited:


New member
Jan 4, 2023
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yes (helpful for f2p but forum is dead compared to dc but nice)


Feb 22, 2023
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Set menu name - impossible?/10 *Idk man.
Just name the chest


New member
Sep 9, 2020
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Save/load inv: Using barrel-based inventory saving, you can actually get a more reliable system than the built-in actions, with basically no variable space used.
Set movement speed: If your game allows it, you can use the movement speed attribute on armor that the player cannot unequip to control the movement speed of players with finer detail and bypassing the maximum 500% movespeed limit.


New member
May 7, 2023
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Save/load inv: Using barrel-based inventory saving, you can actually get a more reliable system than the built-in actions, with basically no variable space used.
Set movement speed: If your game allows it, you can use the movement speed attribute on armor that the player cannot unequip to control the movement speed of players with finer detail and bypassing the maximum 500% movespeed limit.
I forgot sputt was a person and not a symbol of popular (and sometimes overated) df games.
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