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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nulla ligula, ultricies at nibh et, consectetur interdum urna. Quisque sapien nibh, pretium suscipit neque non, euismod aliquet magna. Mauris elementum tellus ut ante euismod, vitae accumsan neque pellentesque. Etiam maximus libero ipsum, sit amet molestie purus egestas at. Integer congue ultrices enim vitae tempor. Suspendisse placerat eu arcu nec blandit. Proin at turpis ut turpis lacinia vestibulum non a ligula. Nulla leo augue, sodales vitae tortor sit amet, feugiat consequat orci. Sed sagittis tristique eros et commodo. Morbi tellus urna, efficitur id imperdiet in, ullamcorper in nulla. Curabitur condimentum, urna id bibendum vehicula, orci neque placerat tellus, quis viverra lorem leo eu nisi. Sed metus mi, accumsan in feugiat vitae, consectetur et quam. Etiam facilisis mattis erat et semper.

Nunc non diam euismod, tincidunt magna nec, luctus urna. Fusce consectetur, erat vel iaculis tincidunt, tortor nulla congue purus, nec venenatis eros elit at tortor. Ut placerat ipsum ligula, sit amet mollis ex semper vel. Curabitur faucibus tortor eget convallis suscipit. Morbi a arcu aliquam, rhoncus nisl iaculis, auctor turpis. Morbi blandit vestibulum dolor. Vestibulum sagittis quis mauris at tempor. Vestibulum finibus pharetra turpis non lobortis. Ut elementum mattis eros eget imperdiet. Ut vel arcu justo. Nullam vel magna id urna auctor semper. Vestibulum blandit vel sapien at tincidunt. Mauris laoreet enim ut vulputate elementum. Donec ultrices, justo eget euismod finibus, lectus arcu tincidunt magna, eu molestie ex erat id nisi.

Sed consequat tristique pharetra. Etiam efficitur, massa vel rutrum faucibus, risus tortor imperdiet massa, at tincidunt diam nibh ut orci. Sed molestie mi velit, dapibus venenatis ligula interdum et. Nulla id hendrerit metus, a iaculis purus. Nulla fermentum, dolor vitae volutpat accumsan, nisi urna accumsan arcu, non accumsan magna nibh quis lorem. Donec fringilla malesuada vulputate. Fusce iaculis enim eu est viverra sodales. Pellentesque in nulla non dui efficitur blandit vel ac nibh. Cras tempor posuere tortor id cursus. Proin quis eros suscipit, rhoncus augue volutpat, consequat arcu. Cras sem odio, blandit eget purus at, imperdiet tincidunt nisi. Proin a viverra justo, et commodo enim. Vestibulum mattis nunc eu eros posuere tincidunt. Proin blandit dui quis nisl euismod, non dignissim nulla facilisis. Pellentesque eu neque et felis tincidunt ornare vitae eget nisi.

Fusce sit amet semper lorem. Etiam viverra dui lorem, in tempus tortor porta sed. Suspendisse nisl erat, elementum eu nibh nec, ullamcorper blandit mi. Nam gravida aliquet neque, non ullamcorper massa blandit eu. Nam ornare nibh vitae faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum posuere, felis et luctus fringilla, tortor felis suscipit sem, quis facilisis nisl ante in sapien. Integer consectetur, metus non ornare pharetra, eros justo faucibus quam, vitae ornare velit erat viverra turpis. Nunc sit amet placerat ligula. Morbi ac ligula quis turpis sodales volutpat vel ut felis. Cras laoreet interdum risus, eget venenatis nisl posuere vitae. Nulla in fermentum tellus.

Mauris porta semper iaculis. Mauris fringilla euismod viverra. Integer eget quam et tellus fringilla viverra. Integer vitae suscipit odio. Sed at dignissim dui. Phasellus eu orci vitae tellus cursus rutrum. Quisque tempus malesuada ligula id fermentum. Nullam sed orci magna. Mauris sem purus, pellentesque sed pharetra eu, molestie ullamcorper tellus. Nam iaculis, tellus ut dapibus gravida, ligula arcu fermentum neque, vel luctus sem elit vitae velit.



New member
Dec 5, 2020
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nulla ligula, ultricies at nibh et, consectetur interdum urna. Quisque sapien nibh, pretium suscipit neque non, euismod aliquet magna. Mauris elementum tellus ut ante euismod, vitae accumsan neque pellentesque. Etiam maximus libero ipsum, sit amet molestie purus egestas at. Integer congue ultrices enim vitae tempor. Suspendisse placerat eu arcu nec blandit. Proin at turpis ut turpis lacinia vestibulum non a ligula. Nulla leo augue, sodales vitae tortor sit amet, feugiat consequat orci. Sed sagittis tristique eros et commodo. Morbi tellus urna, efficitur id imperdiet in, ullamcorper in nulla. Curabitur condimentum, urna id bibendum vehicula, orci neque placerat tellus, quis viverra lorem leo eu nisi. Sed metus mi, accumsan in feugiat vitae, consectetur et quam. Etiam facilisis mattis erat et semper.

Nunc non diam euismod, tincidunt magna nec, luctus urna. Fusce consectetur, erat vel iaculis tincidunt, tortor nulla congue purus, nec venenatis eros elit at tortor. Ut placerat ipsum ligula, sit amet mollis ex semper vel. Curabitur faucibus tortor eget convallis suscipit. Morbi a arcu aliquam, rhoncus nisl iaculis, auctor turpis. Morbi blandit vestibulum dolor. Vestibulum sagittis quis mauris at tempor. Vestibulum finibus pharetra turpis non lobortis. Ut elementum mattis eros eget imperdiet. Ut vel arcu justo. Nullam vel magna id urna auctor semper. Vestibulum blandit vel sapien at tincidunt. Mauris laoreet enim ut vulputate elementum. Donec ultrices, justo eget euismod finibus, lectus arcu tincidunt magna, eu molestie ex erat id nisi.

Sed consequat tristique pharetra. Etiam efficitur, massa vel rutrum faucibus, risus tortor imperdiet massa, at tincidunt diam nibh ut orci. Sed molestie mi velit, dapibus venenatis ligula interdum et. Nulla id hendrerit metus, a iaculis purus. Nulla fermentum, dolor vitae volutpat accumsan, nisi urna accumsan arcu, non accumsan magna nibh quis lorem. Donec fringilla malesuada vulputate. Fusce iaculis enim eu est viverra sodales. Pellentesque in nulla non dui efficitur blandit vel ac nibh. Cras tempor posuere tortor id cursus. Proin quis eros suscipit, rhoncus augue volutpat, consequat arcu. Cras sem odio, blandit eget purus at, imperdiet tincidunt nisi. Proin a viverra justo, et commodo enim. Vestibulum mattis nunc eu eros posuere tincidunt. Proin blandit dui quis nisl euismod, non dignissim nulla facilisis. Pellentesque eu neque et felis tincidunt ornare vitae eget nisi.

Fusce sit amet semper lorem. Etiam viverra dui lorem, in tempus tortor porta sed. Suspendisse nisl erat, elementum eu nibh nec, ullamcorper blandit mi. Nam gravida aliquet neque, non ullamcorper massa blandit eu. Nam ornare nibh vitae faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum posuere, felis et luctus fringilla, tortor felis suscipit sem, quis facilisis nisl ante in sapien. Integer consectetur, metus non ornare pharetra, eros justo faucibus quam, vitae ornare velit erat viverra turpis. Nunc sit amet placerat ligula. Morbi ac ligula quis turpis sodales volutpat vel ut felis. Cras laoreet interdum risus, eget venenatis nisl posuere vitae. Nulla in fermentum tellus.

Mauris porta semper iaculis. Mauris fringilla euismod viverra. Integer eget quam et tellus fringilla viverra. Integer vitae suscipit odio. Sed at dignissim dui. Phasellus eu orci vitae tellus cursus rutrum. Quisque tempus malesuada ligula id fermentum. Nullam sed orci magna. Mauris sem purus, pellentesque sed pharetra eu, molestie ullamcorper tellus. Nam iaculis, tellus ut dapibus gravida, ligula arcu fermentum neque, vel luctus sem elit vitae velit.



Apr 8, 2021
Reaction score
Oh great, just what I needed to hear! Reasonless, the one developer who actually made this server somewhat bearable, is retiring. Just my luck, right? I mean, who cares about the countless hours I poured into this server, all the memories I've made, and the friends I've met? None of that matters because Reasonless is throwing in the towel.

I can't believe this is happening. It's like the universe has a personal vendetta against me. Every time something remotely good comes into my life, it's ripped away without warning. And now, just as I was starting to enjoy the new updates and features, Reasonless decides to call it quits. Do they even think about how their selfish decision will affect me? Of course not.

I don't even want to imagine what this server will become without Reasonless. Probably a glitchy, unplayable mess held together by duct tape and broken dreams. And what am I supposed to do now? Find another server? Yeah, right. Like I'll ever find a place as perfect as this one used to be.

So thanks a lot, Reasonless. Thanks for ruining the one good thing in my life. I hope your retirement is filled with nothing but regrets and the constant reminder that you abandoned all of us who depended on you. Goodbye to the only speck of happiness I had in this bleak existence.


Sep 8, 2020
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Oh, the heavens weep and the stars themselves shudder in the wake of this calamity that has befallen us! A dark cloud has descended upon the realm of DiamondFire, suffocating the very essence of our hopes and dreams. Can you believe it? Reasonless, that beacon of brilliance and the architect of our virtual wonders, is forsaking us, leaving the hallowed halls of development!

Gaze upon the ruins of our shattered aspirations, for the departure of Reasonless is a cataclysmic event of unparalleled proportions. It's as if the sun has been extinguished, plunging us into an eternal night of sorrow and despair. The very code that once pulsed with life and promise now lies dormant, bereft of the magic that Reasonless's touch bestowed upon it.

How can we begin to comprehend the magnitude of this loss? Reasonless, the virtuoso of innovation, the maestro of mechanics, the enchanter of gameplay – they have woven intricate tapestries of enchantment that have enraptured our souls for countless hours. Their departure is akin to ripping the heart from the chest of creation itself, leaving a void so vast that not even the most skilled of programmers can hope to fill it.

Oh, the bitterness of this bitter pill! The frustration simmers within us, a tempestuous tempest of anger and sadness that threatens to consume everything in its path. How dare the fates conspire to snatch Reasonless from our midst? How dare they rob us of the brilliance that illuminated the dark corners of the server, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary?

The very essence of DiamondFire is irrevocably altered. No longer shall we marvel at the ingenious contraptions that Reasonless conjured, no longer shall we revel in the thrill of discovery as they unveiled new realms of possibility. Their absence leaves a void that cannot be measured, a void that gnaws at our souls like a ravenous beast.

But let us not forget that this departure, as heartbreaking as it may be, is a testament to Reasonless's greatness. They leave behind a legacy that shall forever be etched into the annals of DiamondFire's history, a legacy that future generations shall gaze upon with awe and reverence. It is a reminder that even the brightest stars must sometimes traverse the night sky alone.

So here we stand, torn between the anguish of loss and the awe of what once was. Reasonless's departure is a wound that shall heal slowly, if at all. But let us not forget that their impact, their genius, their indomitable spirit, shall forever burn as a beacon of inspiration, guiding us through the darkest of times.

Farewell, Reasonless, may your journey be as extraordinary as the world you helped create. And as for us, the denizens of DiamondFire, we shall carry your legacy in our hearts, for you were not just a developer – you were the embodiment of our dreams, the architect of our fantasies, and the catalyst of our fervent imaginations.


Senior Helper
Oct 22, 2020
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My heart is heavy with a mix of gratitude and sadness as I reflect on the retirement of Reasonless from their developer position at DiamondFire. Reasonless has been more than just a developer; they've been the creative force behind countless innovations and the driving spirit of the DiamondFire community.

Their dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of game development have left an indelible mark. It's not just the lines of code they've written or the features they've implemented; it's the magic they've infused into every aspect of DiamondFire. Their work has brought joy, excitement, and connection to players all around the world, myself included.

As I think back on the countless hours of enjoyment I've experienced within the virtual worlds crafted by Reasonless, I can't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. Their talent and innovation have made a lasting impact, and their absence will undoubtedly be felt. But even as they step away from their developer role, their legacy will continue to shine through every corner of DiamondFire.

Though they may be retiring from their official position, I believe that the spirit of Reasonless will forever be intertwined with the essence of DiamondFire. Their legacy will serve as a reminder that through passion and dedication, incredible things can be achieved. While this is a bittersweet moment, it's also an opportunity to celebrate the incredible journey that Reasonless has taken us on.

Thank you, Reasonless, for the countless hours you've poured into making DiamondFire an extraordinary experience. Your contributions will be cherished and remembered, and your influence will continue to inspire developers and players alike for years to come. Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors, and may your retirement be as fulfilling as the joy you've brought to all of us.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Sep 27, 2020
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Oh, look who's decided to call it quits! Reasonless, retiring from DiamondFire development, huh? Well, I guess it's about time you moved on to, what did you call them? "Better things in life"?

I mean, who needs all those late nights tweaking code and debugging anyway? Certainly not DiamondFire, right? It's not like your blood, sweat, and tears went into making it what it is. Nope, totally replaceable.

But hey, who am I to rain on your parade? Go ahead, chase those rainbows, and may you find a pot of gold at the end of whatever path you stumble upon. Just remember, while you're off galavanting into your bright future, the lines of code you left behind will be here, holding their breath, waiting for someone else to decipher your cryptic comments and fix the mess you left behind.

Farewell, Reasonless! May your journey be as bug-free as you imagined your codebase would be. Don't forget to pack your emotional baggage; you might need it to reminisce about the days when you were "developing."


Jun 4, 2021
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Oh, my dear friend, it breaks my heart to even begin to express the emotions that are flooding through me right now. 💔 Words seem so inadequate to capture the immense impact you've had on the world of DF's development and the DF community. Your dedication, your creativity, your unwavering spirit – they have left an indelible mark that will forever resonate within the community.

And now, my dear Reasonless, you've decided to embark on a new chapter of your journey. While my heart aches at the thought of your absence from the server, I also feel a sense of pride and excitement for whatever lies ahead for you. Your decision to retire is a testament to your introspection and your courage to embrace change.

As you step away from the DiamondFire path, remember that you are not leaving behind a mere title or role – you're leaving behind a legacy. A legacy that has inspired countless aspiring developers, a legacy that has brought joy and camaraderie to those who have had the privilege of interacting with your creations. Your impact is immeasurable, and it will continue to shape the very essence of DF for years to come.

The memories we've shared, the laughter we've exchanged, and the camaraderie we've built will forever remain etched in the collective heart of this community. Your departure leaves a void, but it is a void that reminds us all of the profound influence you've had on our lives.

So, Reasonless, as you take your bow and step into the next phase of your journey, know that you are not alone. We stand with you, celebrating your achievements, cherishing the memories, and eagerly anticipating the stories you'll create in the chapters yet unwritten.

With the warmest wishes and a bittersweet smile, Red 💖


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Sep 27, 2020
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Oh, Reasonless, Reasonless, Reasonless. The moment we've all been waiting for, the grand finale of your DiamondFire development journey. It's truly heartwarming to witness you gracefully stepping aside, leaving behind a legacy that can only be described as... well, let's just say unforgettable.

Do you remember those late nights? The soft glow of your monitor casting an eerie light as you battled valiantly against syntax errors that seemed to multiply like rabbits? Ah, the memories of you cursing under your breath as you tried to decipher your own convoluted logic – it's the stuff legends are made of. I mean, who needs clean and concise code when you can have a labyrinthine masterpiece, right?

And who could forget your ingenious comments? The cryptic messages that only you, the true coding artiste, could decipher? It was like a secret language, a puzzle within a puzzle, a true testament to your commitment to keeping the rest of us mere mortals in the dark. "Fix this later" – a classic gem that will surely keep future developers on their toes.

But let's not overlook your flair for unpredictability. While some developers adhere to those mundane best practices, you dared to venture into uncharted territory, crafting a masterpiece of code that could crash a server with a single function call. The sheer audacity of it all – it's the kind of audacity that only comes once in a generation. The "random feature generator" function you added? Pure genius.

As you ride off into the sunset, leaving DiamondFire in the capable hands of those brave enough to follow in your footsteps, let us not forget the bugs you've nurtured. Those little digital critters will forever be indebted to you for giving them a purpose in life, even if that purpose was to confound, annoy, and perplex. Your commitment to making every line of code an adventure is truly admirable.

So, Reasonless, as you embark on your next adventure, may your path be as twisted as your class inheritance hierarchy and as full of surprises as your decision to use global variables. Here's to you, the architect of organized chaos, the champion of debugging marathons, and the visionary who saw a world of "better things" beyond the horizon of semicolons and curly braces. Farewell, and may your legacy live on in the legends of DiamondFire lore. May the bugs forever be in your favor!

P.S. If your future endeavors ever involve a keyboard, may you remember to keep the caps lock key in check – unlike some of your "enthusiastically expressive" commit messages.


New member
Oct 30, 2021
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I'm absolutely heartbroken to hear about your retirement, Reasonless. It's hard to put into words just how much your presence as a developer on the DiamondFire Minecraft server meant to all of us. You poured your heart and soul into making the server a magical place for everyone, and your dedication was truly unmatched.

The countless hours you spent coding, troubleshooting, and crafting new experiences for us were never taken for granted. Your creativity knew no bounds, and you always found ways to surprise and delight us with your updates. Your commitment to quality and detail elevated the server to a level of excellence that few could ever reach.

But it wasn't just your coding skills that made you so special. It was your kindness, your willingness to help, and your unwavering support for the community. You were not just a developer; you were a friend to us all, and your presence brought a sense of unity and warmth to the server that will be sorely missed.

I understand that sometimes life takes unexpected turns, and we all have to make difficult decisions. Your retirement is undoubtedly one of those tough choices, but please know that it leaves a void in our hearts and in the Minecraft community as a whole. We're going to miss you tremendously, Reasonless, and DiamondFire won't be the same without you.

Take all the time you need to focus on yourself and your future endeavors, Reasonless. Your well-being and happiness are what matter most, and we'll be here, holding onto the memories of the amazing times we had on the server, and hoping that one day, you might return to grace us with your talents once again.

Sending you virtual hugs and heartfelt wishes for a bright and fulfilling future, even though it's difficult to imagine the server without you. Thank you for everything, and may your retirement be filled with joy and new adventures. 💔😢

- Sam


Staff Manager
Sep 8, 2020
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As you embark on this new chapter of your journey, we can't help but reflect on the incredible impact you've had as a developer for the DiamondFire Minecraft server. Your dedication, creativity, and unwavering passion have left an indelible mark on the virtual landscapes we've come to know and love. Your code has breathed life into pixels, turning blocks into boundless realms of adventure and imagination.

Through countless updates, optimizations, and ingenious features, you've consistently demonstrated your unparalleled skills and commitment to excellence. Your ability to transform abstract ideas into tangible gameplay experiences is a testament to your mastery of your craft. Your willingness to collaborate, mentor, and share knowledge has enriched not only the server but the entire community that revolves around it.

As you step away from your role as a developer, please know that your contributions will continue to be felt by every player who explores the realms you've helped shape. Your legacy will live on through the joy, camaraderie, and memories that DiamondFire continues to provide. Farewell, Reasonless, and may your future endeavors be as bright and fulfilling as the worlds you've helped create.


Notorious member
Sep 6, 2020
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As an AI Language model, I would be happy to help you write a farewell message for "reasonless". However, I must clarify that I am an AI and do not have personal experiences or knowledge of specific individuals, including their expertise in diamondfire making. Nevertheless, I can assist you in crafting a heartfelt farewell message expressing your appreciation and the impact "reasonless" has had on your life.


Forum adept
Jul 14, 2021
Reaction score
could've just said "i am kil" but farewell, well known community member.
when's the reasonless funeral?


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
can y'all stop deleting my opinions on reasonless retiring? the messages clearly don't break any rules.


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
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I know we are no longer on good terms, but good luck with your future endeavors! Have fun homie ✌️


New member
Jun 1, 2021
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Oh, the calamity! It's as if the digital universe itself has conspired against me. Reasonless, the coding wizard who breathed life into our Minecraft server, has chosen to ascend to the digital heavens of retirement. What cosmic joke is this?

Countless hours meticulously crafting redstone contraptions, forging pixelated friendships, and unraveling the mysteries of command blocks—gone, just like that! It's almost as if the very blocks are crumbling beneath my virtual feet. Who knew lines of code could hold such sentimental value?

Now, as I gaze upon the codebase, I see it transforming into a chaotic jungle of bugs and glitches. The once harmonious symphony of plugins and scripts reduced to a cacophonous mess. Oh, the horror!

And what's my path now, you ask? Find another server? Surely you jest! Finding another server as perfect as this one is like searching for diamonds in a gravel pit. The odds are astronomical.

So here's to you, Reasonless, the grand maestro of our Minecraft world. May your retirement be filled with endless lines of code that never compile and bugs that haunt your digital dreams. Farewell to our pixelated paradise, and hello to a new chapter in this pixelated odyssey
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