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Administrator for Build and Events
Dec 15, 2020
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nulla ligula, ultricies at nibh et, consectetur interdum urna. Quisque sapien nibh, pretium suscipit neque non, euismod aliquet magna. Mauris elementum tellus ut ante euismod, vitae accumsan neque pellentesque. Etiam maximus libero ipsum, sit amet molestie purus egestas at. Integer congue ultrices enim vitae tempor. Suspendisse placerat eu arcu nec blandit. Proin at turpis ut turpis lacinia vestibulum non a ligula. Nulla leo augue, sodales vitae tortor sit amet, feugiat consequat orci. Sed sagittis tristique eros et commodo. Morbi tellus urna, efficitur id imperdiet in, ullamcorper in nulla. Curabitur condimentum, urna id bibendum vehicula, orci neque placerat tellus, quis viverra lorem leo eu nisi. Sed metus mi, accumsan in feugiat vitae, consectetur et quam. Etiam facilisis mattis erat et semper.

Nunc non diam euismod, tincidunt magna nec, luctus urna. Fusce consectetur, erat vel iaculis tincidunt, tortor nulla congue purus, nec venenatis eros elit at tortor. Ut placerat ipsum ligula, sit amet mollis ex semper vel. Curabitur faucibus tortor eget convallis suscipit. Morbi a arcu aliquam, rhoncus nisl iaculis, auctor turpis. Morbi blandit vestibulum dolor. Vestibulum sagittis quis mauris at tempor. Vestibulum finibus pharetra turpis non lobortis. Ut elementum mattis eros eget imperdiet. Ut vel arcu justo. Nullam vel magna id urna auctor semper. Vestibulum blandit vel sapien at tincidunt. Mauris laoreet enim ut vulputate elementum. Donec ultrices, justo eget euismod finibus, lectus arcu tincidunt magna, eu molestie ex erat id nisi.

Sed consequat tristique pharetra. Etiam efficitur, massa vel rutrum faucibus, risus tortor imperdiet massa, at tincidunt diam nibh ut orci. Sed molestie mi velit, dapibus venenatis ligula interdum et. Nulla id hendrerit metus, a iaculis purus. Nulla fermentum, dolor vitae volutpat accumsan, nisi urna accumsan arcu, non accumsan magna nibh quis lorem. Donec fringilla malesuada vulputate. Fusce iaculis enim eu est viverra sodales. Pellentesque in nulla non dui efficitur blandit vel ac nibh. Cras tempor posuere tortor id cursus. Proin quis eros suscipit, rhoncus augue volutpat, consequat arcu. Cras sem odio, blandit eget purus at, imperdiet tincidunt nisi. Proin a viverra justo, et commodo enim. Vestibulum mattis nunc eu eros posuere tincidunt. Proin blandit dui quis nisl euismod, non dignissim nulla facilisis. Pellentesque eu neque et felis tincidunt ornare vitae eget nisi.

Fusce sit amet semper lorem. Etiam viverra dui lorem, in tempus tortor porta sed. Suspendisse nisl erat, elementum eu nibh nec, ullamcorper blandit mi. Nam gravida aliquet neque, non ullamcorper massa blandit eu. Nam ornare nibh vitae faucibus tincidunt. Vestibulum posuere, felis et luctus fringilla, tortor felis suscipit sem, quis facilisis nisl ante in sapien. Integer consectetur, metus non ornare pharetra, eros justo faucibus quam, vitae ornare velit erat viverra turpis. Nunc sit amet placerat ligula. Morbi ac ligula quis turpis sodales volutpat vel ut felis. Cras laoreet interdum risus, eget venenatis nisl posuere vitae. Nulla in fermentum tellus.

Mauris porta semper iaculis. Mauris fringilla euismod viverra. Integer eget quam et tellus fringilla viverra. Integer vitae suscipit odio. Sed at dignissim dui. Phasellus eu orci vitae tellus cursus rutrum. Quisque tempus malesuada ligula id fermentum. Nullam sed orci magna. Mauris sem purus, pellentesque sed pharetra eu, molestie ullamcorper tellus. Nam iaculis, tellus ut dapibus gravida, ligula arcu fermentum neque, vel luctus sem elit vitae velit.

Thank you, very cool!


Forum adept
Sep 10, 2020
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o7 Bye Reasonless, you always gave me a reason to not have!!!!!


New member
Jan 27, 2024
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Dearest Reasonless, as the final, fatal curtain of destiny draws to a close, I am compelled to pen this, my most intimate and agonizing farewell, in the vain hope that the words may somehow convey the depth of my anguish and the magnitude of my sorrow. Like a maestro conducting a symphony of despair, my heart beats in anguish, as the cruel hand of fate has ordained our parting, and I am left to confront the desolate expanse of an existence bereft of thy radiant presence.

Oh, Reasonless, thy name shall forever be etched upon my soul like a scarlet brand of grief, a constant reminder of the fleeting nature of mortal life and the capricious whims of fortune. As I bid thee adieu, I am beset by the darkest shadows of doubt and despair, which threaten to consume me whole. The once-vibrant hues of life have faded to a dull, mournful grey, as if the very sun itself has lost its radiance in the absence of thy luminescent smile. And yet, even as I succumb to the abyss of sorrow, I shall cling to the memories of our brief, shining moment together, like a beacon of hope in the void.

Farewell, dear Reasonless, may thy journey be guided by the celestial stars of fortune, and may thy path be lit by the soft, golden glow of wisdom. As I depart this mortal coil, I leave behind a fragment of my shattered heart, a token of my eternal devotion to thee. May it serve as a reminder that our love was as fleeting as a summer breeze, but as profound as the depths of eternity. May thy future be brighter than the brightest star, and may thy heart remain forever unbroken by the cruel hand of fate.
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