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Fix Teleport: Keep current rotation


New member
Dec 24, 2020
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If you put a teleport on loop, and say "keep current rotation", you can't move your cursor.
I kind of need

However, when you make a teleport in vanilla using a command block, you can keep a player in place while still letting them look around

as demonstrated here
each half is 50 seconds, the first half being df, and the second half being vanilla

anyway, it's clearly possible, so please add. Force players to look in direction without teleporting them is a thing, so why shouldn't the opposite be possible on df?
If I want to force someone to face a direction while allowing them to move, I use Player Look or whatever its called (Minecraft is currently closed I don't have blocks memorized). but if I want to force someone into one place while allowing them to look around, I use.... well nothing, because Teleport: Keep Rotation doesn't do as I want it to.

Also, don't tell me to disable walking or just use launch towards location because neither of these work for what I'm actually trying to do

speaking of
while I'm here
Player Event: Walk -> Cancel Event isn't perfect, you can still move if you try hard enough, and it also triggers based on movement, not based on walking, if you apply levitation 0, and then use game action: launch player forward, or any other launch, Walk will continuously trigger, which is also not what I want.
I don't know if DF has access to the direct inputs of the player, in which case this should be an easy fix, but please at least try and fix it, or at least make it work slightly better and trigger fewer false positives.


Forum adept
Sep 8, 2020
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You could try setting a location variable to the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the desired location while using the player's pitch and yaw as the pitch and yaw values of the variable, then teleport to the variable, but I agree that this should be fixed

If you have a rank, you can force the player to ride an entity, say a baby turtle (not a horse, though, because while most entities cannot be steered, horses can). To access player inputs, you can get the player's velocity vector.


New member
Dec 24, 2020
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didnt work, it acts the same as Teleport: Keep Rotation

using a players velocity vector doesn't account for game action: launch player, or any other non-input movements

I was saying if DF had access to our direct player inputs, they could easily fix player event: walk -> cancel event, since then they could differentiate between player inputs and game action: launch player, or any other non-input movements.

Aka DF's method of determining player inputs and Our method of determining player inputs seem to be exactly the same and both with the same flaws

anyway thanks for trying to help :)
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