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how to create black holes in six and eight easy steps


Sep 8, 2020
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I am Doctor Mario I can cool Tricks, I am Doctor Mario. I am doctor Mario I am super cool. I can this, I can that. I am doctor Mario I can all.

Hole "Black" method:
This method is costly and time-consuming, but it is good.
1. Mix 1 cup of flour, 2 cups of water, 5 eggs, 1 duodecillion cookies, and 1 million queens of the swarm.
2. Shape it into a plate-shape of 10 inches each, quarter inch width.
3. Place it on a plate, then a cooking sheet, then place 135 of the material each.
4. Place it in the oven, and heat it at 1.382 billion K for 77 seconds.
5. Sprinkle 1.37e313,472,928 antimatter.
6. Enjoy!
"White" method:
Cheaper and fast, but it makes less.
1. Buy 6100 gems for $99.99.
2. Buy 35,000,000 cookies for $49.99.
3. Do 1. and 2. 99 times.
4. Buy as many 2x speed as you can for 100,000 Kred.
5. Buy everything and every upgrades for equipments.
6. Push the ground for some coins.
7. Buy a mechanical hand to do their job.
8. Add some salt as you wish.
9. Enjoy!
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