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idk what to do


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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I've reached a point where I feel like I'm kind of not wanted here. I'm told I'm hypocritical, I'm made out to be some minimod on DFS, and I think I just annoy people at this point. I feel like I have two choices here:

Start Over
Is this even possible? I want to stop being seen as the way I currently am. I want to try and restart. But on the other hand, people will still judge me for what I've done in the past, which makes me worry this isn't even an option.

Say Goodbye
I've tried to leave DF multiple times before. It never works, and I always end up in this same state. But is this the best option? But then there's another problem: DF is how I get to talk and relate to most of my friends(? I don't even know who likes me anymore) and that's what keeps bringing me back.

What is the right choice? I'm in a mess right now and don't know what to think of this situation anymore. I want to start over and try to rid myself of the things people don't like me for. But I don't think that's possible.

And on the other hand maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, nobody hates me and I'm just crazy at this point. I'm lost and don't know where to go.



Forum adept
Sep 6, 2020
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Dust, I don't think you've been a negative impact on DF at all. You've been an amazing game creator and community member who has supported people. Although people don't like you because of thing you have done, that doesn't mean that everyone does. Honestly you have always been one of the greatest people on DF in my opinion, and most people still know of you as a good person in DF. If you want to leave or start completely over from fresh for DF, that can entirely be what you want to do. Personally, I think that you have been an amazing help to so many people, from when you were a support to now, and I think that you never will stop doing that. You are an a amazing person and I really want the best for you. If would pick the start over option. I know that you already have friends that you can rely on from DF if you leave, but you are (like I said) an amazing part of the people here at DF. If you want to leave DF, that's okay, and me and many others will still support you in any of your future endeavors. In the end, it might be best to at least take a long break. Especially if DF makes you seem as though everyone hates you. Do what is the best for your mental health.


New member
May 31, 2021
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Here's my take on this issue: I don't really know who you are, what you've done, or what you will do. I know next to nothing about you. And because I don't really know who you are, that means that you can't have had a bad impact on DF. I would know, because the elitists stand out. A lot. But I don't know much about you. Because you aren't a bad person. I'm sure that many people love you and who you are as a person. What I'm getting from Wobber is that all you've done for DF is overwhelmingly positive, and DF isn't giving you nearly enough credit for it. Sure, you may have done bad things in the past, I wouldn't know, but what I do know is that here, right now, right where we stand, you are a good person. As for your two options, there aren't just two. There are a multitude of options: you have freedom over what you do next, you aren't limited. And there would be zero reason for people to hate you, you sound like a wonderful person, so I really don't think your friends don't like you. There isn't a right choice here, there isn't anything to be right about. Whatever you do, many people, including myself, will support your decision. I hope I've helped you in some way, and I wish you the best of luck, whichever path you go down.


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
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change your name back to duwusty and people will not hate you again 😳


Well-known member
Sep 27, 2020
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Start Over
Is this even possible? I want to stop being seen as the way I currently am. I want to try and restart. But on the other hand, people will still judge me for what I've done in the past, which makes me worry this isn't even an option.

Honestly if you do "start over" I'll forgive you, I mean everyone makes mistakes, and I do too (sorry for that by the way). Everyone eventually ends growing up I guess
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