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I'm Sorry


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
Reaction score
I don't know how to put this, I've put off writing this for a bit because I am just not good at this kind of stuff... Some people may have noticed, I have been in the discord for a while, I wanted to come back, I just didn't know if I would be welcome back after I acted the way I did... I was very immature and toxic, and there is no excuse for it. I fueled flame wars just to create drama. I wasn't acting like I used to, I was simply toxic and annoying. To anyone I targeted, I am sorry, please understand I was not and am not actually mad at anyone on here, I was mad in general and just took it out on other people. I am sorry for the way I acted and hope I can be forgiven, or at least given a chance to show I will not act like that again.
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