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I'm struggling to find ways to get a particle line in like an arc or curved line, is there any way to do this?


New member
Sep 2, 2021
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I'm kind of set on it being without having to brute force a bunch of locations that replicate what the curve could look like as I would have to redo huge lines of code for ever time I need it. I've tried doing things like selecting only certain locations from a repeat on sphere, to take its curve, but naturally that has its problems and limitations on any variety of curve. I'm sure I've seen people successfully do this before but I'm lost on where to look. plz help
If you want an arc, you can try rotating a location around an axis in a loop for a certain amount of times.

How you would go about doing this is to have a location origin, vector axis, and a vector that is the vector to the particle, as well as an auxiliary location for the actual particle location.

Here's an example pseudocode:
// some starting values that will define our arc

pfx = (whatever particle)

origin = Location (25.5, 51.5, 25.5)
axis = Vector (0, 1, 0)
vec = Vector (3, 0, 0)
degrees = Number 90

// drawing the arc

repeat Multiple(degrees) {
    pos = ShiftOnVector(origin, vec)
    DisplayParticle(pfx, pos)
    vec = RotateVectorAroundVector(vec, axis, -1) // -1, because vectors rotate counterclockwise
pos =...


Forum adept
Sep 8, 2020
Reaction score
If you want an arc, you can try rotating a location around an axis in a loop for a certain amount of times.

How you would go about doing this is to have a location origin, vector axis, and a vector that is the vector to the particle, as well as an auxiliary location for the actual particle location.

Here's an example pseudocode:
// some starting values that will define our arc

pfx = (whatever particle)

origin = Location (25.5, 51.5, 25.5)
axis = Vector (0, 1, 0)
vec = Vector (3, 0, 0)
degrees = Number 90

// drawing the arc

repeat Multiple(degrees) {
    pos = ShiftOnVector(origin, vec)
    DisplayParticle(pfx, pos)
    vec = RotateVectorAroundVector(vec, axis, -1) // -1, because vectors rotate counterclockwise
pos = ShiftOnVector(origin, vec)
DisplayParticle(pfx, pos)

This code would create a 90 degree particle arc from (28.5, 51.5, 25.5) to (25.5, 51.5, 28.5), parallel to the ground.

pfx - that's the particle effect you want to display
origin - this is where the center of the arc is. It'd be the center of the circle, if you were to fully complete the arc
axis - this is the direction the arc is facing. (0, 1, 0) means move 0 along the x axis, move 1 along the y axis (upwards), and move 0 along the z axis (x and z being the horizontal); think of it as a line that goes straight through the center of the circle perpendicularly
vec - this is basically a ray that rotates around the axis
degrees - the number of degrees to rotate, of course



New member
Sep 2, 2021
Reaction score
If you want an arc, you can try rotating a location around an axis in a loop for a certain amount of times.

How you would go about doing this is to have a location origin, vector axis, and a vector that is the vector to the particle, as well as an auxiliary location for the actual particle location.

Here's an example pseudocode:
// some starting values that will define our arc

pfx = (whatever particle)

origin = Location (25.5, 51.5, 25.5)
axis = Vector (0, 1, 0)
vec = Vector (3, 0, 0)
degrees = Number 90

// drawing the arc

repeat Multiple(degrees) {
    pos = ShiftOnVector(origin, vec)
    DisplayParticle(pfx, pos)
    vec = RotateVectorAroundVector(vec, axis, -1) // -1, because vectors rotate counterclockwise
pos = ShiftOnVector(origin, vec)
DisplayParticle(pfx, pos)

This code would create a 90 degree particle arc from (28.5, 51.5, 25.5) to (25.5, 51.5, 28.5), parallel to the ground.

pfx - that's the particle effect you want to display
origin - this is where the center of the arc is. It'd be the center of the circle, if you were to fully complete the arc
axis - this is the direction the arc is facing. (0, 1, 0) means move 0 along the x axis, move 1 along the y axis (upwards), and move 0 along the z axis (x and z being the horizontal); think of it as a line that goes straight through the center of the circle perpendicularly
vec - this is basically a ray that rotates around the axis
degrees - the number of degrees to rotate, of course

View attachment 1045
tysm this helps a lot
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