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Levelup system


Forum adept
Jul 24, 2022
Reaction score
So im trying to make a rankup system revolving around the idea of a Actionbar displaying ur rank as such

The system i am trying to use is a reference to how prison servers have those mines were its like A -> Z Mine
So it would like this

(Rank [Letter here]) {Player name}
I.E (Rank [F]) DFTest

Now how exactly would one make it so say player has like 200 Credits (In the plot of course) and they want to move on to the next rank which is [G] Would one need to use a list to set this up basically?


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
Yes, you would need a list containing all characters if you have the same ratio of price increase (so if it's something like 100, 200, 300, 400 or 100, 200, 400, 800) or a dictionary if it's something like 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500. to set it up with the lists, first use Get Value Index and get the current rank's index, then increase it by 1 and do the math you are doing, so you can either multiply or add a pre-set number to it and that will be the price, and for the dictionary, you need to set up the dictionary manually, something like A: 100, B: 200, C: 500. then get the key index of the rank letter, increase it by 1 and get the key at that index, that will be the rank, and you can get the key value for the price
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