jeże dw dw t czte t dlacz t robi .\?
Yesterday I came upon this thing. It was around 3pm.
Someone said something about the lusa can,
and then samman said he's being eaten by jeremaster r something, idk i have bad memory
now the problem is
tha t i am overstacking 50k on etschal and i cannot siege it fully because it's a mountain fort and austria keeps stackwiping whatever i would put there
soi need assistance witht hat
can any1 help??
Yesterday I came upon this thing. It was around 3pm.
Someone said something about the lusa can,
and then samman said he's being eaten by jeremaster r something, idk i have bad memory
now the problem is
tha t i am overstacking 50k on etschal and i cannot siege it fully because it's a mountain fort and austria keeps stackwiping whatever i would put there
soi need assistance witht hat
can any1 help??