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Mental health plot: Looking for devs & builders


Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
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Mental health is a huge topic that some fear to talk about. It often comes with that bolstering fear of being judged by others. However, it's a really important topic, and your mental health makes up to be everything about you, at least inside your mind. With going through a lot of personal struggles, namely different anxiety disorders that make it tough for me on an everyday basis, it made me realize that there are also tons of others out there who go through similar things. It's important to make mental health an important subject, because your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

One of my life goals is to promote mental health awareness, and let others know that it is okay to talk about your insecurities or issues. But, regardless, life can come with stress, and very often, people out there either don't know the different techniques to calm down your mind, or they forget to. I am wanting to create a project on DiamondFire (a plot) that has the following:
  • Mindfulness episodes
    • Mindfulness is one of the keys to calming yourself down and distracting your mind in a healthy way
    • Each episode will allow you to focus on different things
    • A system will be in place to keep track of @input based on what users see and hear
  • Deep breathing technique
    • Breathing is key to calming yourself down
    • There will be a bossbar. Wherever the bossbar pattern goes - use your breath to follow it! It will slowly go up, hold, and slowly go back down.
    • This will then promote good health to your mind in a way as it should calm yourself down at the end of the session if you are undergoing any stress or anxiety
  • Relaxation environments
    • There will be different physical MC environments to choose from with a great mix of atmosphere, sounds, and more.
    • Voluntarily use this as mindfulness if you'd like - it is a great way to practice that great stress or anxiety relief technique
  • Promotes mental health
    • It will also be made to help promote mental health! Mental health is just as important as your physical health, and should never be treated any less. If allowed, there will be different sites attached to learn more about mental health, along with different crisis textlines or hotlines if you ever need to talk.


It may take a bit to make. Originally, this was going to be a solo project to use for myself, but I know that this can benefit others who are often stressed or has anxiety in their lives.

Looking for Builders and Developers. Simply comment down below what position you would like if you're interested! You can also ask questions if you'd like. ! Want to anonymously take a position? Start a conversation with me.


edit: I'm aware that there are psychology and health sites that will have more precise (and more in general of) information about therapeutic techniques to help. The plot isn't going to be a state-of-the-art anxiety solution, but a way for players to learn more about techniques if they don't know much about how to reduce anxiety or stress. Often times, people don't know about the techniques. The plot is meant to be a push to let people learn about how the techniques work and so they can use them, and to hopefully let them use them on their own and to no longer depend on the plot at some point. In some ways, it's a reminder that there are techniques always available.
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Forum adept
Sep 9, 2020
Reaction score
This seems like a great idea! Indeed, mental health is an important topic, and I'm glad to see that you're so enthusiastic about helping others. I'm not that much of a builder, but I can help with developing the plot.


New member
Sep 14, 2020
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I really like the idea and I can also only help developing the plot. If you are planning to support multiple languages, I will also add German translations.


Forum adept
Sep 6, 2020
Reaction score
This is an insanely good idea of a plot, and when I saw Ref working on it when I was on, I asked to help and got a building position. You should definitely help out with this, it has some potential to be one of the best plots in DF of all time. Please help out with this, it should definitely become the best it can possibly be with your help.


Retired Moderator
Sep 6, 2020
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The breathing technique seems interesting - I'd reckon a title would be better though, as it's in the centre of the screen and much more obvious. I'd be happy too help but I'm not that great of a coder lol


Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
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Thank you guys so much! I appreciate it! :smile:

I'd reckon a title would be better though
Agreed, I was thinking "IN", "HOLD", "OUT" or something like that. And thanks for your interest!


Forum adept
Sep 5, 2020
Reaction score
I would like to make the breathing part, just I have to do some work rn and idk when im gonna be on. I have some great ideas in mind for how it could be done or some other stuff idk. just im not that good at coding so ig someone could help out...
  • Relaxation environments
    • There will be different physical MC environments to choose from with a great mix of atmosphere, sounds, and more.
    • Voluntarily use this as mindfulness if you'd like - it is a great way to practice that great stress or anxiety relief technique
if only we had axolotls...
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