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Quick Announcement regarding any of my upcoming games.


Forum adept
Jul 14, 2021
Reaction score
Hello DF

I have come to announce my intentions to not release Made 2 Order as a game until my unmute around Late May or Early June.

I feel like this is the best idea for the time being, as the game won't immediately die from launch. This also has to do with the fact that I can't plot ad while being muted, which is about the dumbest part of my mute by far.

Enough about me complaining about my mute, which is really petty and quite stupid, My intentions are set for any new games to release at this time.

Flame me all you want, I will not be changing this decision unless, in the impossible chance, the mod team actually unmute me for... some reason (why would they?)

Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk...

TL:DR, He's just malding rn
-BigCrazy, probably...

P.S. Made 2 Order is now a complete game in terms of gameplay, but I will still be working on achievements, statistics, and cosmetics. Good to let you guys know. I currently have some ideas for the next project, it'll be... well... best not to spoil the surprise, would it?


New member
Jan 22, 2021
Reaction score
yo i dont think bigcrazy is malding right now
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