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Rank Guide


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
This is a post about all the ranks available in the DiamondFire server. It will be split into 3 parts, Staff, Purchasable, and Special.

Staff Ranks:

There are 4 staff rank types. If you are having any troubles you can contact any staff member and they will gladly direct you to the people you need to contact about the problem!
A staff member may have more than 1 of these, the order of them appearing is by order of the following:


The Owner of the DiamondFire server, Jeremaster, has this rank. If you are having any payment problems, you should contact Jeremaster directly.


This rank is given to the administrator. They have the power to restart the server, give items to other people (such as plots and tokens), and perform moderation actions. If the server is lagging and you think it needs to be restarted, you can tell the Administrators about it.


This rank is given to the Hypercube (DiamondFire's coding) plugin developers. They have the power to edit the code of the plugin. If you encounter a serious bug, you should tell the Developers about it. Developers can also restart the server if it needs a restart.


This rank is given to the moderators of the server. They have the power to ban, mute or warn users. If you encounter something against the rules, you should report the rulebreaker using the /report command and save evidence to give to the Moderators.
There are 3 moderator ranks, JrMod (Junior Moderator), Mod (Moderator), and SrMod (Senior Moderator).


This rank is given to the helpers of the server. They take sessions or answer the questions of the people that are unable to code something or encountering a bug. If you want to ask a question, you can use the /support question to ask the helpers a question and if you need a helper player to come to your plot and help you Coding, you can use the /support request command. If you need help building do NOT contact helpers as they help people with their code.
There are 3 helper ranks, JrHelper (Junior Helper), Helper (Helper), and SrHelper (Senior Helper).

Purchasable Ranks:

There are 4 purchasable ranks. They can be obtained by purchasing them from https://store.mcdiamondfire.com/category/ranks.


Overlord is the most expensive rank in the server. It costs 100 USD and it has the following features:
  • 7 Basic Plots (50x50)
  • 5 Large Plots (100x100)
  • 2 Massive Plots (300x300)
  • Access to All the Codeblocks
  • WorldEdit access (Limit: 1,000,000 blocks per operation)
  • Access to exclusive spawn cosmetic toggles such as Overlord Party Aura
  • Access to exclusive spawn gadgets such as Runic Tornado and Comet of Destiny
  • A chat tag to show your support for the server
  • Any other perks coming in the future!


Mythic is the second most expensive rank in the server. It costs 65 USD and it has the following features:
  • 5 Basic Plots (50x50)
  • 3 Large Plots (100x100)
  • 1 Massive Plot (300x300)
  • Access to "Visual" stuff such as Armorstands, Bossbars, and more
  • WorldEdit access (Limit: 25,000 blocks per operation)
  • Access to exclusive spawn gadgets such as Energy Pulse and Enderman Smoke Bomb
  • A chat tag to show your support for the server
  • All features from Noble and Emperor
  • Any other perks coming in the future!


Emperor is the second least cheapest rank in the server. The DiamondFire community ranks it as the best Value rank. It costs 40 USD and it has the following features:
  • 3 Basic Plots (50x50)
  • 2 Large Plots (100x100)
  • 1 Massive Plot (300x300)
  • Access to Interactive inventory menus, Holograms, and more
  • WorldEdit access (Limit: 5,000 blocks per operation)
  • Access to exclusive gadgets such as Glider
  • A chat tag to show off your support for the server
  • The ability to fly in the spawn with /fly
  • All features from Noble
  • Any other perks coming in the future!


Noble is the cheapest rank in the server. It costs 15 USD and it has the following features:
  • 2 Basic Plots (50x50) (1 from default + 1 from Noble)
  • 1 Large Plot (100x100)
  • Access to Saving and loading player inventories, Client-side blocks, and more
  • WorldEdit access (Limit: 5,000 blocks per operation)
  • Access to exclusive spawn cosmetic toggles, including Fire Aura, Personal Raincloud, and Disco Armor
  • Access to exclusive spawn gadgets, including Freeze Ray and Firework Launcher
  • A chat tag to show off your support for the server
  • Any other perks coming in the future!

Special Ranks:


Yoshi is a special rank given to the player with the UUID of 675fe0f0-9a22-47ff-8673-3b4abd851033 for their generous donation. This rank was only given to them and cannot be obtained.


NO is a special rank and it's the combination of Noble and Overlord. It was given to the player with the UUID of d891d45b-cbad-4be2-ba75-08bffe02cfd4 for their generous donation. This rank was only given to them and cannot be obtained.

Donation ranks are no longer given out, unfortunately.​


Builder is a rank given to the people that built the Spawns. The builders are handpicked by staff and there is currently no application to get it.


Retired is a rank given to retired Staff member as a way to appreciate them.

[Retired] (Emeritus):​

Emeritus is a rank given to retired Staff members who worked hard as a staff (such as Administrators or Senior Helpers) as a way to appreciate them.


YouTuber is a rank given to YouTubers. This rank has the same benefits as Overlord. If you are popular on YouTube, you would want to contact an Administrator to get it.

If you want to see the perks of the purchasable ranks, you can check them out in this post by @UltraTheDuck:

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