personally give it some time. a few more months. half a year even.
considering that right after you got denied, you posted a new appeal... so your pleas, even if they are valid, won't be viewed in a good light.
the administrators don't like walking back on their decisions, and they likely aren't turning around on this one.
there's tons of other things out in the world that you could pick up as a hobby, and there's other communities you could possibly engage with.
and who knows, maybe you'll like them more?
not like you have a choice to return for the time being, so give it a try.
maybe they will uphold their end of the bargain, and contact you once you they* think you're ready.
but if a lot of time has passed, and you've gotten nothing but radio silence, you could try your luck with a new appeal. then they'll remember, and then re-evaluate their decision... maybe.
note, despite my rank on these forums, don't take these words as from the moderation team. i have not been a mod for a few months now. it's outdated.
edit: wrong word