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Staff reply Some Support Forum changes


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
Reaction score
The support forum is very good right now but there are 2 things that can be changed to make it better:
1-Not allowing people to mark their own answers as a Solution. It's really annoying when you help someone and then they send the complement of the solution and mark their own comment and not the one that helped them as Solution.
2-Upvoting/Downvoting questions. This is helpful for different situations like bad-worded questions, if you have the same question. Upvoting/Downvoting can be used to make priority, like a new category in the filter thing or something.


Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
Reaction score
1-Not allowing people to mark their own answers as a Solution. It's really annoying when you help someone and then they send the complement of the solution and mark their own comment and not the one that helped them as Solution.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'd like to see more feedback on that idea, so for now I'm going to let it sit, and if you want you can bring it to DFS for more feedback. If others end up thinking this is a good idea, I'll go ahead and make the change.

2-Upvoting/Downvoting questions. This is helpful for different situations like bad-worded questions, if you have the same question. Upvoting/Downvoting can be used to make priority, like a new category in the filter thing or something.
And what @EvilsSouls mentioned, it's an existing feature.

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Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
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@ARMcPro @bumpy

Ahh, I see what you all mean. With how I had the forum node types setup, I was thinking it already did that with how the Suggestions node type uses voting in that manner, but you are most definitely right, questions don't have vote functionality. My bad for the misunderstanding.

With this being said, unfortunately I'm not too familiar with coding addons for XenForo's system, it's definitely above my knowledge. I would have to learn all of that and see if it's possible. Though in the mean time, https://xenforo.com/community/forums/xenforo-suggestions.18/ would the best bet honestly. I'm not too sure if you need to have a license to post there, if there is a license requirement I'll go ahead and make a suggestion thread there if there aren't any dupes. Thank you for the suggestion though.
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