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Sputt Time has become something it shouldn't

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Forum adept
Jul 24, 2022
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Greetings, I am Retro. Whether you have played the plot "Sputt Time" or heard things about it, then you are probably aware of the dark side of it. Before I begin this discussion I want to make a few things clear. This post is by no means; an attack towards anyone, a hatred to the plot, and or any form of rule breaking in regards to that. The last thing I want to clarify is that while other people may have a different opinion on the plot, there is no denying that the things I am about to say are true. In this post I will cover the basis of what "Sputt Time" is, everything from the gameplay to the content it has to offer, before ending it off with the dark side of it.

"Sputt Time" is considered a Combat, Resources, and Roleplay type of plot located on Node 2 under the ID number: 21750 and is owned/created by Sputt, who is a former staff member (Retired) with the assistance of a few people who are unable to be named. "Sputt Time" features a fantasy medieval like style of combat with five kits or classes to chose from, each with its own evolution which can be acquired after reaching a certain specification. The five classes are as follows; Sorcerer, Warrior, Sentinel, Archer, and Assassin. When you spawn in to the plot you are greeted with the choice to pick a class. Upon selection you are given a variety of items to suit the class. After selecting a class, you are then allowed to start playing. In the middle of your screen you will notice an action bar. The bar contains your general stats such as your points which are needed to evolve, skulls which are Obtained from killing people, and yen which is acquired from Farming. Pressing the key "tab" you will see a flag emoji followed by a number (I.E -5) as well as a tag (I.E -5 Criminal *class name here*) this is known as reputation. When you kill someone depending on the color of their nametag, you will receive either positive or negative reputation. You can also obtain points by spending Skulls or Yen in the shop, or you can go collect them from the center of the plot. Upon receiving two skulls you are able to buy a scythe which can be used in the farm to gain yen.

The first thing I would like to focus on is the classes.
We will begin with Sorcerer. A Sorcerer is described as "A mid-range gear tree that utilizes spells to attack opponents in a variety of ways, as long as you got the mana." It has the perk of Mana which you can regen upon taking or dealing non-magic damage. you also regain mana passively. Mana needed to cast spells and the cost depends on the spell. This class has good range and a variety of spells. The downfall is it requires good mana management and is easy to kill when out of mana. With 1000 points (or 25 Skulls) you can evolve to a Jester.

The next class is Warrior which is described as "An all around good gear tree with focus on melee sword combat and high defense" it does not have any perks, but it is simple to use, has high defense/damage but low range. This class has two evolutions the first being Tank and the second is Berserker. There is one pro and con for both these classes. Tank requires points while Berserker requires you to get -5 reputation.

Now we have the Archer which is described as "An axe-wielding melee kit that has the ability to parry incoming attacks from other players" It features Two perks; the first one being Parry which states that "Pressing the F key right before getting hit will parry (or block) the attack and in turn will reflect all damage onto the attacker as well as stunning them and upon attacking them while stunned will make them take twice as much for a second. It is important to note that missing a parry could be fatal" and the second is Sentinel Arrow which states that "Once unlocked (which can be met via collecting points) you are given a spectral arrow that once you fire, upon impact of a surface, or player, will stick to them like a sticky bomb. If you left click after a brief cooldown, you will summon lighting to strike them, temporarily stunning them." This class has the ability to parry, decent armor, and an axe. The downfall of it is that missing a parry is fatal and requires precision and timing. It can evolve to Cavalry for 750 points and then again to Skelevalry for 30,000 points.

Similar to Sentinel is Archer in the sense that it has the same evolutions, but is described as "Agile gear tree with focus on ranged attacks, but low melee damage/defense" It features two perks; the first one being that you receive a chest in a minecart that grants various arrow types to use at your disposal and has faster movement. The class has three pros and two cons. The pros being; ranged attacks, and arrows with potion effects, while the cons are that it has low defense/melee damage.

Finally we have the class known as Assassin which is described as "A treacherous gear tree that utilizes their stealth meter, granting them the ability to backstab enemies without leaving a trace." this class features two perks. The first one being Stealth Meter which states that "you are given a boss bar at the top of your screen which shows your stealth meter. Once full you are given potion effect invisibility, however if someone sees you the bar will not fill." while the second one is backstab and it says that "Upon hitting someone from the back, you will deliver a fatal blow, but will reveal yourself." Accompanying this class is two pros and cons. The pros are that you have fast running speeds, and lethal backstabs. The cons are that you have low armor/health and are weak in combat. The evolution for this class is Ninja.

Now the main point for what you really came for. It seems to be that whenever a player is killed on the plot, toxicity starts to spread very slightly like a virus. This could vary from a simple joking matter, to a threat or worse a death threat which has happened before. I will not name who did what, nor will I disclose what was said as that is none of any of your concern. I have spoke to Sputt regarding this and I remember that the exact day before Mr_Dumpling made the announcement that he was retiring, I had said in-front of Sputt and I quote "I would much rather play a plot that isn't owned by a former staff member, let alone infested with toxicity left right and center." to which Sputt said and he specifically said "It's my fault" I followed that up by saying "yet you don't seem to give a damn" Now with that in mind. Here's what makes it toxic. As I mentioned when one person dies, the infection of toxicity starts to spread slowly. People act like their tough, but their not. It doesn't matter if you're good at player versus player combat or bad at it, the only thing that matters is whether you enjoy it or not. Some people have said that they want to be chill with each other, but the fact of the matter is, you know damn well you will truce for roughly 5-10 minutes to even a day or more then eventually they will kill you. You will not be spared if you ask to be or tell them to stop. No matter what you do there is always a downfall and that is what ruins the experience and base of the game. I've said it multiple times and I will say it again, Sputt Time is nothing but a breeding grounds and infestion for toxicity. I also want to make it very clear that I really do not care if you say "You're just saying this cause you suck at it" that doesn't mean a damn thing here.

Whether you agree or disagree, i quiet frankly don't care, but if you do get where I am coming from then good for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Forum adept
Oct 20, 2020
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Well, it is not Sputt's "fault", many games like this system exist, like Survival plots (which are kinda popular), if you die, you lose all of your stuff, no matter how strong you are there will be at least 1 person stronger than you or 2 people as strong as you teaming. Now I am not a sputt fan nor I have played Sputt's Time for more than 5 minutes but I know for sure that if he adds progress saving when you die, a lot of people will just keep berserking everyone they see (like what happens in Skyminers).


Server Developer
Jun 3, 2021
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Half of this is bold, italic, or underlined.


New member
Sep 9, 2020
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toxicity is inevitable in a game with high stakes pvp
people getting angry and going out for revenge also just so happens to get people to stay ingame for a long time, too; it's part of the design

...and is owned/created by Sputt, who is a former staff member (Retired) with the assistance of a few people who are unable to be named.
for the sake of proper credit since it seems to be unknown, the plot contributors are Acod_ (building and helping with development of ideas) and zaikawouwuu (original house designer)

I had said in-front of Sputt and I quote "I would much rather play a plot that isn't owned by a former staff member, let alone infested with toxicity left right and center." to which Sputt said and he specifically said "It's my fault" I followed that up by saying "yet you don't seem to give a damn"
also could you give a heads-up as to when this interaction happened? i do not recall this being said (and what does being former staff have to do with the plot lol)


Forum adept
Jul 24, 2022
Reaction score
toxicity is inevitable in a game with high stakes pvp
people getting angry and going out for revenge also just so happens to get people to stay ingame for a long time, too; it's part of the design

for the sake of proper credit since it seems to be unknown, the plot contributors are Acod_ (building and helping with development of ideas) and zaikawouwuu (original house designer)

also could you give a heads-up as to when this interaction happened? i do not recall this being said (and what does being former staff have to do with the plot lol)
how did you not see i specifically said the day before for god sake smfh


Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
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It seems that there is some confusion around toxicity, and it seems it is being misunderstood.

It's unfortunate that the plot became a toxicity pool, I can see where you are coming from. Your concerns and frustrations are valid - no one wants that in the community. If a plot someone enjoys is packed with that, of course they would be upset. I would be. But it sounds like Sputt didn't do anything wrong, even taking some responsibility it seems like which is a mature move. However altering the plot will only be a band-aid, not the cure.
toxicity is inevitable in a game with high stakes pvp

Sputt brought up a good point, it really is inevitable. It seems your focus is on the plot and what Sputt did or didn't do, not the community. I understand it's the plot is causing the frustration. But the administration and moderation teams can't prevent toxicity either, we have started crusades to try to combat toxicity, and there's only so much DF's team can do, I'm sure in the future things will be figured out to deal with it more effectively... whether it be a change in moderation guidelines, community guidelines, programs, who knows, but even we couldn't prevent it. Sputt wasn't a moderator as far as I'm aware, there's not much he could have done at all. The only thing he could have done was alter the plot but that wouldn't solve toxicity cuz toxicity is already around the community, not the plot. And yes the plot may bring out some of the worst, which were the frustrations you were getting at, but it will be channeled into something else eventually.

It's a model with an endless loop - someone is toxic, they join a plot, maybe it brings out the worst, eventually they move onto the next. I'm saying this because, this is a matter that involves the server itself, it has been a multi-year long issue because of how complicated it is, and while Sputt's plot may be a plot that brings out some of those traits in people, it's really clear Sputt didn't ask for that and that's outside of his control, and this model will practically continue indefinitely.

To make it a safer place though, yinz should report any behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or violates the guidelines so they can take care of some of what's making it toxic.
Last edited:


Forum adept
Jul 24, 2022
Reaction score
It seems that there is some confusion around toxicity, and it seems it is being misunderstood.

It's unfortunate that the plot became a toxicity pool, I can see where you are coming from. Your concerns and frustrations are valid - no one wants that in the community. If a plot someone enjoys is packed with that, of course they would be upset. I would be. But it sounds like Sputt didn't do anything wrong, even taking some responsibility it seems like which is a mature move. However altering the plot will only be a band-aid, not the cure.

Sputt brought up a good point, it really is inevitable. It seems your focus is on the plot and what Sputt did or didn't do, not the community. I understand it's the plot is causing the frustration. But the administration and moderation teams can't prevent toxicity either, we have started crusades to try to combat toxicity, and there's only so much DF's team can do, I'm sure in the future things will be figured out to deal with it more effectively... whether it be a change in moderation guidelines, community guidelines, programs, who knows, but even we couldn't prevent it. Sputt wasn't a moderator as far as I'm aware, there's not much he could have done at all. The only thing he could have done was alter the plot but that wouldn't solve toxicity cuz toxicity is already around the community, not the plot. And yes the plot may bring out some of the worst, which were the frustrations you were getting at, but it will be channeled into something else eventually.

It's a model with an endless loop - someone is toxic, they join a plot, maybe it brings out the worst, eventually they move onto the next. I'm saying this because, this is a matter that involves the server itself, it has been a multi-year long issue because of how complicated it is, and while Sputt's plot may be a plot that brings out some of those traits in people, it's really clear Sputt didn't ask for that and that's outside of his control, and this model will practically continue indefinitely.

To make it a safer place though, yinz should report any behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or violates the guidelines so they can take care of some of what's making it toxic.
See I was planning to make a followup post, because it isn't just this one singular plot that brings out the toxicity, but its very clear that the server has become toxic and while you can only do so much, i understand that, but at least you see my point.


Active member
Jan 13, 2021
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Greetings, I am Retro. Whether you have played the plot "Sputt Time" or heard things about it, then you are probably aware of the dark side of it. Before I begin this discussion I want to make a few things clear. This post is by no means; an attack towards anyone, a hatred to the plot, and or any form of rule breaking in regards to that. The last thing I want to clarify is that while other people may have a different opinion on the plot, there is no denying that the things I am about to say are true. In this post I will cover the basis of what "Sputt Time" is, everything from the gameplay to the content it has to offer, before ending it off with the dark side of it.

"Sputt Time" is considered a Combat, Resources, and Roleplay type of plot located on Node 2 under the ID number: 21750 and is owned/created by Sputt, who is a former staff member (Retired) with the assistance of a few people who are unable to be named. "Sputt Time" features a fantasy medieval like style of combat with five kits or classes to chose from, each with its own evolution which can be acquired after reaching a certain specification. The five classes are as follows; Sorcerer, Warrior, Sentinel, Archer, and Assassin. When you spawn in to the plot you are greeted with the choice to pick a class. Upon selection you are given a variety of items to suit the class. After selecting a class, you are then allowed to start playing. In the middle of your screen you will notice an action bar. The bar contains your general stats such as your points which are needed to evolve, skulls which are Obtained from killing people, and yen which is acquired from Farming. Pressing the key "tab" you will see a flag emoji followed by a number (I.E -5) as well as a tag (I.E -5 Criminal *class name here*) this is known as reputation. When you kill someone depending on the color of their nametag, you will receive either positive or negative reputation. You can also obtain points by spending Skulls or Yen in the shop, or you can go collect them from the center of the plot. Upon receiving two skulls you are able to buy a scythe which can be used in the farm to gain yen.

The first thing I would like to focus on is the classes.
We will begin with Sorcerer. A Sorcerer is described as "A mid-range gear tree that utilizes spells to attack opponents in a variety of ways, as long as you got the mana." It has the perk of Mana which you can regen upon taking or dealing non-magic damage. you also regain mana passively. Mana needed to cast spells and the cost depends on the spell. This class has good range and a variety of spells. The downfall is it requires good mana management and is easy to kill when out of mana. With 1000 points (or 25 Skulls) you can evolve to a Jester.

The next class is Warrior which is described as "An all around good gear tree with focus on melee sword combat and high defense" it does not have any perks, but it is simple to use, has high defense/damage but low range. This class has two evolutions the first being Tank and the second is Berserker. There is one pro and con for both these classes. Tank requires points while Berserker requires you to get -5 reputation.

Now we have the Archer which is described as "An axe-wielding melee kit that has the ability to parry incoming attacks from other players" It features Two perks; the first one being Parry which states that "Pressing the F key right before getting hit will parry (or block) the attack and in turn will reflect all damage onto the attacker as well as stunning them and upon attacking them while stunned will make them take twice as much for a second. It is important to note that missing a parry could be fatal" and the second is Sentinel Arrow which states that "Once unlocked (which can be met via collecting points) you are given a spectral arrow that once you fire, upon impact of a surface, or player, will stick to them like a sticky bomb. If you left click after a brief cooldown, you will summon lighting to strike them, temporarily stunning them." This class has the ability to parry, decent armor, and an axe. The downfall of it is that missing a parry is fatal and requires precision and timing. It can evolve to Cavalry for 750 points and then again to Skelevalry for 30,000 points.

Similar to Sentinel is Archer in the sense that it has the same evolutions, but is described as "Agile gear tree with focus on ranged attacks, but low melee damage/defense" It features two perks; the first one being that you receive a chest in a minecart that grants various arrow types to use at your disposal and has faster movement. The class has three pros and two cons. The pros being; ranged attacks, and arrows with potion effects, while the cons are that it has low defense/melee damage.

Finally we have the class known as Assassin which is described as "A treacherous gear tree that utilizes their stealth meter, granting them the ability to backstab enemies without leaving a trace." this class features two perks. The first one being Stealth Meter which states that "you are given a boss bar at the top of your screen which shows your stealth meter. Once full you are given potion effect invisibility, however if someone sees you the bar will not fill." while the second one is backstab and it says that "Upon hitting someone from the back, you will deliver a fatal blow, but will reveal yourself." Accompanying this class is two pros and cons. The pros are that you have fast running speeds, and lethal backstabs. The cons are that you have low armor/health and are weak in combat. The evolution for this class is Ninja.

Now the main point for what you really came for. It seems to be that whenever a player is killed on the plot, toxicity starts to spread very slightly like a virus. This could vary from a simple joking matter, to a threat or worse a death threat which has happened before. I will not name who did what, nor will I disclose what was said as that is none of any of your concern. I have spoke to Sputt regarding this and I remember that the exact day before Mr_Dumpling made the announcement that he was retiring, I had said in-front of Sputt and I quote "I would much rather play a plot that isn't owned by a former staff member, let alone infested with toxicity left right and center." to which Sputt said and he specifically said "It's my fault" I followed that up by saying "yet you don't seem to give a damn" Now with that in mind. Here's what makes it toxic. As I mentioned when one person dies, the infection of toxicity starts to spread slowly. People act like their tough, but their not. It doesn't matter if you're good at player versus player combat or bad at it, the only thing that matters is whether you enjoy it or not. Some people have said that they want to be chill with each other, but the fact of the matter is, you know damn well you will truce for roughly 5-10 minutes to even a day or more then eventually they will kill you. You will not be spared if you ask to be or tell them to stop. No matter what you do there is always a downfall and that is what ruins the experience and base of the game. I've said it multiple times and I will say it again, Sputt Time is nothing but a breeding grounds and infestion for toxicity. I also want to make it very clear that I really do not care if you say "You're just saying this cause you suck at it" that doesn't mean a damn thing here.

Whether you agree or disagree, i quiet frankly don't care, but if you do get where I am coming from then good for you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I farted 😭

Raffius Taffius

Well-known member
Mar 17, 2022
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I am still yet to play more than 2 minutes of sp*tt time or know anything about it


New member
Sep 4, 2023
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Says from the person who is known for just being toxic and who also got muted for like 6 months i think


Forum adept
Jul 14, 2021
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that's alot of words... too bad i ain't reading them.
please for my goofy ahh youtube shorts attention span...


Active member
Jul 30, 2022
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Dumpling is a jerk, I blame him for my discord acc being deleted (he had the most to gain by reporting me).

Note I am only listing this here since you mentioned his name in the closing paragraph.
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