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Text Codes


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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Text Codes may be confusing at first, but once you know how they work, they can be extremely useful!

Essentially text codes change the name of a variable, making it dynamic. It changes the name, not the value.

For example, say we have a variable called %default money. The variable you're using here is actually RyanLand money, because that's the name of the default target.

All text codes can also be nested inside of eachother.

Here's a spoiler of all available text codes and their explanations:

  • %damager
The name of the damager target in this event. Only works in damage events.
  • %default
The name of the default target in this event.
  • %index( list variable name , index )
Gets the value from the index provided. Example:
list = [ a, b, c ]
ad = 100
%index(list,1)d returns 100
  • %killer
The name of the killer target in this event. Only works with kill events.
  • %math( expression )
Returns the output of a mathematical expression.
Does not follow PEMDAS/OoO. Supports the following operations:
  1. Sum (+)
  2. Difference (-)
  3. Product (*)
  4. Quotient (/)
  5. Remainder (%)
  • %projectile
The name of the projectile in this event. Only works with projectile events.
  • %random( minimum , maximum )
Gives a random number with a rounding multiple of 1 between and including the minimum and maximum.
  • %round( number to round )
Floors the given value.
  • %selected
The name of the selected object. To clear up confusion: Multiple objects being selected will run code for every object in the selection, %selected would return the name of the object running the code, which is different for every object when using selections bigger than one.
  • %shooter
The shooter of the projectile in this event. Only works with projectile events if the projectile was launched by a player (including have used Player Action: Launch Projectile). Also applies to other entities.
  • %uuid
Identical to %selected, but instead, gets the UUID instead of the name. A UUID is unique to every player account and entity.
  • %var( variable name )
Returns the value of the variable. Example:
a = 1
1b = 2
%var(a)b returns 2
  • %victim
The name of the victim in this event. Only works in damage events.

Hope this helped you, and feel free to ask any questions! :)
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Forum adept
Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score
%victim can also work in click player/click entity events
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