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Thank You


Forum adept
Sep 11, 2020
Reaction score
I want to thank Jere for making this server. When I was younger I always had an interest in coding, but I didn't know where to start. I was young and Java seemed hard, but I wanted to make minigames like Hypixel. I was watching YouTube and found a cool server called MCDiamondFire. That changed my life, that got me the start into coding and lead me to where I am now. Had I not joined DF I wouldn't have gotten to learn coding the way I did, and I am grateful for that. Now I am in the networking program in my school, and can get my certifications through that, and had I not joined DF, I would have just been taking whatever I need to graduate, without taking advantage of that opportunity. Thanks to Jere, I am on the path to get a career in the IT field, and had I not joined DF, I have no idea where I would have been!
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