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The Basics of DiamondFire


Retired Moderator
Sep 6, 2020
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I am frogqy, a support member on the DiamondFire server. If you are seeing this, then you are probably a new player wanting to know what's going on over here at DiamondFire. DiamondFire is a server where you can create your own minigames through a custom coding system on the server. Jeremaster, the owner of the server, does a great job explaining the very, very basics here on his video for SnapCon.

Well, we've got no time to waste. Let's head into it!
Table of ContentsLink or Section
Part 1 - CP, Credits, and PlotsBelow this table.

Part 1: CP, Credits, and Plots
Alright! Welcome to Part 1! The other parts can be found in the comments, which I will also have linked in the Table of Contents above. So, to start off, you join the server on Node 1. Nodes are what DiamondFire uses to split the server into different running worlds for performance reasons. Here, you will be warmly welcomed by members of the server.
Welcome to DiamondFire! When you join, you should see something similar to this (with your own CP and Credits, of course):

Alright, there's a lot to unpack here. Let's start with the action bar. You can see in my action bar above my hotbar, that I have 2 values; CP and Credits. CP is short for Creator Points, which determines your game or games' popularity within the community. Credits, usually abbreviated to DFC in conversation, are a form of currency. Credits can be used to buy more code blocks, lobby cosmetics, gadgets, etc. I'll talk more about that in a future part talking about cosmetics and the shop.

You can gain DFC very easily. DFC is given to you based on playing on a plot. If you play on a plot for a very long time, you'll get a lot of DFC. You can also get DFC from a process called CP decay.

CP is a value used to describe your plots' popularity, and usually your coding ability as well. CP gives you Creator Ranks, which are little chat tags that display next to your name. After hitting Quartz rank (5,000 CP), you start to lose CP daily, which generates DFC in the process. You can run /level req in-game to see the requirements for each creator rank.

Now, you've seen me talk about plots, but what are they? Plots are the system to where we put our minigames. They come in 51x51 (basic), 101x101 (large), and 301x301 (massive) sizes. The codespace is 20x51 (20x101and 20x301 for large and massive plots). I'll go more in-depth on how the coding system works in a future part, but I'd recommend playing with it yourself and watching Jere's explanation on the SnapCon speech.

That's all for now! The rest of this page is under the works. Expect Part 2 (which will be on ranks) and maybe Part 3 tomorrow (September 9th)!


Retired Administrator
Retired Admin
Aug 16, 2020
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I can see this being super helpful to new members of the community, nice job @frog!
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