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the day i get unbanned

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Forum adept
Sep 6, 2020
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if u get banned for 'mute evasion' why ur first action to go find another place ur not muted i dont think u learning too quickly


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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It's honestly crazy how mods are so quick to permanently ban people, while at the same time not having rigid rules and having a lot of stuff be up to "moderator interpretation", like I doubt any of the people who were permabanned recently have received any sort of warnings or even any signs that what they were doing was punishable at all.


Forum adept
Sep 10, 2020
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Okay, didnt you ask to be banned in a previous post of yours though..?


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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It's honestly crazy how mods are so quick to permanently ban people, while at the same time not having rigid rules and having a lot of stuff be up to "moderator interpretation", like I doubt any of the people who were permabanned recently have received any sort of warnings or even any signs that what they were doing was punishable at all.
I wouldn't be making assumptions ngl


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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I wouldn't be making assumptions ngl
Alright bet

note that I will refer to you in third person here, since this post isn't only directed to you

Here's proof that none of the people banned during the ebu banwave have received any warns.
ban compilation.png

Here's some more info about the bans, showcasing how vague the rules are and how it resulted in inconsistent punishments.
card comp vert 1.png
card comp vert 2.2.png
If you're wondering why Raffy has received double the punishment despite not even joining the servers that were raided - good question.

The staff team can't properly communicate the rules, and not only to the players, but to each other as well. I don't have any fancy pictures for this one, so let me point out a few inconsistencies.
Case 1: The discourse on religion. Many people on df show no respect to people who hold religious beliefs. Dubinzi states that religion is not welcome on diamondfire in any shape, and yet Refriz states that all diamondfire players are welcome, and that action will be taken if someone's religious beliefs were attacked. (Though Refriz is a retired admin, so the validity of that is put into question)
Case 2: sludsVEVO states that there's no ban wave on ebu and only Cracked_Shots was banned as only Cracked_Shots broke the rules, right after that a ban wave occurs with at least 6 more people banned. Unfortunately, that message is now deleted and I don't have any screenshots, so you'd have to take my word for it.
Case 3: ARMcPro gets permanently banned, appeals, the appeal gets rejected, ARMcPro reaches out to Jere and gets unbanned. Similar thing happened to Oven, though in his case I'm less familiar with the process of his unban.

In multiple of these cases the punishments seem to lack a good Reason, in fact they look like they're just excuses to ban these people, and the true Reason behind these bans is...
As you can see from this Reasonlist, Reason has a bit of an obsession with ebu, an unhealthy relationship, if I may. She seems to talk about it whenever she gets a chance, and the Reasoning behind that lies in the second quote on this Reasonlist.
"I just despise anyone who is in ebu" - The staff member responsible for banning anyone who is in ebu.
I don't think it's necessary to point out why exactly a moderator having such a strong negative bias and obsession with a certain group of people isn't a good thing.
Furthermore, Reasonless, along with a group of four other current and former staff members has formed a group chat dedicated to finding evidence to get ebu members banned.
That seems pretty normal until you realize that they've been doing this for months while having full access to a discord server where these players were perpetually active.
A group specifically dedicated to spying on certain people and finding ways to ban them, and even in this case, the "evidence" they did find isn't even that bad in multiple cases.
This is made even more unbelievable since most of the people banned had a clean punishment history despite playing on the server for years, if these players truly deserve their bans, then how come they've been active on this server for so long without anyone noticing that? - the answer is simple, because Reasonless dislikes them.

The group of people responsible for these bans have purposefully bent both the facts and the rules to get this result.
What am I talking about? Let me point you to a few cases.

Oven's ban is the first thing that comes to mind. What does the ban reason state? Doxxing. What is Doxxing? According to the wikipedia, it's the act of publicly providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization.
Minecraft maps are not, in fact, personally identifiable information. In this case the mod team stretches the definition of doxxing to get Oven banned (btw doxxing isn't even a punishable offense according to df rules)

RaffyRaffy's ban is even worse. What does the ban reason state? Bullying and harassment. What did Raffy actually do? Joke about ways to raid a discord server, such as...
Joke about raiding a discord server by creating a fake identity and upholding it for a year, thus being permitted to join the server.
Joke about how joining the server will get you instantly banned due to ebu members being viewed badly by the community, and how it might as well be a speedrunning category. Did RaffyRaffy actually join the server? No. Did these jokes target and harass someone? No.

This, however, doesn't end with them simply stretching the rules to get people banned. Here's a case of Mr.Dumpling bending facts to make me look worse in the eyes of other df players.

Mr dumpling 1.png

Mr.Dumpling, another member of the 5-person ebu banning taskforce in this situation has posted a screenshot of me joking about doxxing a diamondfire developer, presenting it seriously, and adding more accusations on top of that. In response, another df player has pointed out that this message looks like clear sarcasm.
Now, Mr.Dumpling here replies that they wager it's not sarcasm, since "they" actually tried to doxx the developer in question in the past. Or did "they"?
See, this is a funny case where "they" doesn't refer to me despite the subject of discussion clearly being me. And Mr Dumpling even acknowledged that when talking to me in dms.

Mr dumpling 2.png

This is another case of manipulating information to paint ebu members as an evil group whose ban shouldn't be questioned.
I'm gonna go ahead and make an assumption that Mr.Dumpling in this moment has been trying to attribute these actions collectively to the ebu community, or to me personally, by being vague on purpose, while also knowing full well that it was a single individual in ebu doing these things.

I'm not saying that everyone in ebu is a nice person who has never done anything wrong, and that includes me as well. I've gone far over the line with the things I've said in that server. What I am saying, however, is that the bans those people received were a work of bias and not a reflection of the diamondfire rules.

According to eternity, they were permanently banned, rather than tempbanned for 90d, as they were considered the organizer of the raid.
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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Alright bet

note that I will refer to you in third person here, since this post isn't only directed to you

Here's proof that none of the people banned during the ebu banwave have received any warns.
View attachment 2663

Here's some more info about the bans, showcasing how vague the rules are and how it resulted in inconsistent punishments.
View attachment 2662
View attachment 2661
If you're wondering why Raffy has received double the punishment despite not even joining the servers that were raided - good question.

The staff team can't properly communicate the rules, and not only to the players, but to each other as well. I don't have any fancy pictures for this one, so let me point out a few inconsistencies.
Case 1: The discourse on religion. Many people on df show no respect to people who hold religious beliefs. Dubinzi states that religion is not welcome on diamondfire in any shape, and yet Refriz states that all diamondfire players are welcome, and that action will be taken if someone's religious beliefs were attacked. (Though Refriz is a retired admin, so the validity of that is put into question)
Case 2: sludsVEVO states that there's no ban wave on ebu and only Cracked_Shots was banned as only Cracked_Shots broke the rules, right after that a ban wave occurs with at least 6 more people banned. Unfortunately, that message is now deleted and I don't have any screenshots, so you'd have to take my word for it.
Case 3: ARMcPro gets permanently banned, appeals, the appeal gets rejected, ARMcPro reaches out to Jere and gets unbanned. Similar thing happened to Oven, though in his case I'm less familiar with the process of his unban.

In multiple of these cases the punishments seem to lack a good Reason, in fact they look like they're just excuses to ban these people, and the true Reason behind these bans is...
View attachment 2652
As you can see from this Reasonlist, Reason has a bit of an obsession with ebu, an unhealthy relationship, if I may. She seems to talk about it whenever she gets a chance, and the Reasoning behind that lies in the second quote on this Reasonlist.
"I just despise anyone who is in ebu" - The staff member responsible for banning anyone who is in ebu.
I don't think it's necessary to point out why exactly a moderator having such a strong negative bias and obsession with a certain group of people isn't a good thing.
Furthermore, Reasonless, along with a group of four other current and former staff members has formed a group chat dedicated to finding evidence to get ebu members banned.
That seems pretty normal until you realize that they've been doing this for months while having full access to a discord server where these players were perpetually active.
A group specifically dedicated to spying on certain people and finding ways to ban them, and even in this case, the "evidence" they did find isn't even that bad in multiple cases.
This is made even more unbelievable since most of the people banned had a clean punishment history despite playing on the server for years, if these players truly deserve their bans, then how come they've been active on this server for so long without anyone noticing that? - the answer is simple, because Reasonless dislikes them.

The group of people responsible for these bans have purposefully bent both the facts and the rules to get this result.
What am I talking about? Let me point you to a few cases.

Oven's ban is the first thing that comes to mind. What does the ban reason state? Doxxing. What is Doxxing? According to the wikipedia, it's the act of publicly providing personally identifiable information about an individual or organization.
Minecraft maps are not, in fact, personally identifiable information. In this case the mod team stretches the definition of doxxing to get Oven banned (btw doxxing isn't even a punishable offense according to df rules)

RaffyRaffy's ban is even worse. What does the ban reason state? Bullying and harassment. What did Raffy actually do? Joke about ways to raid a discord server, such as...
Joke about raiding a discord server by creating a fake identity and upholding it for a year, thus being permitted to join the server.
Joke about how joining the server will get you instantly banned due to ebu members being viewed badly by the community, and how it might as well be a speedrunning category. Did RaffyRaffy actually join the server? No. Did these jokes target and harass someone? No.

This, however, doesn't end with them simply stretching the rules to get people banned. Here's a case of Mr.Dumpling bending facts to make me look worse in the eyes of other df players.

View attachment 2666

Mr.Dumpling, another member of the 5-person ebu banning taskforce in this situation has posted a screenshot of me joking about doxxing a diamondfire developer, presenting it seriously, and adding more accusations on top of that. In response, another df player has pointed out that this message looks like clear sarcasm.
Now, Mr.Dumpling here replies that they wager it's not sarcasm, since "they" actually tried to doxx the developer in question in the past. Or did "they"?
See, this is a funny case where "they" doesn't refer to me despite the subject of discussion clearly being me. And Mr Dumpling even acknowledged that when talking to me in dms.

View attachment 2655

This is another case of manipulating information to paint ebu members as an evil group whose ban shouldn't be questioned.
I'm gonna go ahead and make an assumption that Mr.Dumpling in this moment has been trying to attribute these actions collectively to the ebu community, or to me personally, by being vague on purpose, while also knowing full well that it was a single individual in ebu doing these things.

I'm not saying that everyone in ebu is a nice person who has never done anything wrong, and that includes me as well. I've gone far over the line with the things I've said in that server. What I am saying, however, is that the bans those people received were a work of bias and not a reflection of the diamondfire rules.
How is this any relevant to the original post? When I said not to be making assumptions I meant you shouldn't be blaming the moderation team for this person's specific case.

You're also taking messages out of context lmao. I don't blame you considering you're banned from dfcord
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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How is this any relevant to the original post? When I said not to be making assumptions I meant you shouldn't be blaming the moderation team for this person's specific case.
True, should have probably made a separate thread in the first place, I was writing a reply to what I assumed you were referring to and it kind of devolved into a general critique of the df moderation team.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2020
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True, should have probably made a separate thread in the first place, I was writing a reply to what I assumed you were referring to and it kind of devolved into a general critique of the df moderation team.
I'd like to point out the edits I made to the original post. "I despise anyone in EBU" was not a reason for banning people in there, I was never DIRECTLY involved in the punishments relating to individual members in there (with the only exception being ARMcPro and even then I only provided the evidence) it was in response to Tqlted's message asking "reason why are you so mean recently", the mention of the group chat was a criticism of how things worked internally with the admin team and the whole EBU situation.


Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score
Locking up this thread.
Any player should be able to critique the staff team, and while we welcome it, it was generally offtopic here and in poor taste. If you have any problems with a moderator(s), send it to the admins, and if you have any issues with an admin(s), send it to Jere or another admin you trust. Again, just like another thread that I had to lock, the forums aren't the place to put other people down.
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